Snape's retirement?

Soisen was currently attending the new subject taught starting this year with Snape being the first teacher in the subject. While the content was still the same as what they would learn in the old DADA, there was now more content and no longer only talked about dark creatures and curses, but also additional magical dangers more likely to happen than an encounter with a vampire in Albania.

Even first aid was taught!

How is it possible that no one taught this before, when most things in the magical world can kill you from a bad injury?

Just look at how Professor McGonagall's husband died?

-And that's why if your wand is broken... -concluded Snape while looking at Ron, who had his eyes fixed on the book to avoid clashing glances with one of his biggest nightmares-'s better not to use it to cast any kind of magic, as you will only succeed in causing harm to yourself and those around you.

Snape was talking about the failed slug spell? Funny.

-A qualified adult wizard should be able to perform the simplest magic without a wand, otherwise it just shows that he is too dependent on it. That's all. For the next lesson, I want a scroll with seven or more essential magics for a wizard to survive without requiring the use of a wand. Now, off you go.

Soisen said goodbye to Hermione and hung back in the classroom.

-Is there anything you need clarification on the lesson, Soisen? -Snape called casually when they were alone.

-Actually, I wanted to talk to you about a delicate subject," Soisen replied as he raised a field around him with a wave of his hand.

-An excellent sound retention barrier," Snape observed, giving no points for the looseness of the throw. Most of the school was by now almost numb to most of the wonders the young wizard was capable of- And what is this about?

-The Return of the Dark Lord - Soisen didn't feel like calling it "he who must not be named" because he found it too long and tedious -Will you continue to act as a spy for Dumbledore? -Without hesitation, he cut to the chase.

The aquiline-nosed man stared at him in silence, but that in itself was an unspoken answer.

-I think you've already done more than any other man in this confrontation and I don't want you to end up at a point of no return," Soisen stated his thoughts unhindered, "If you are willing, I know of a place where you could retire and devote yourself to potion research and brewing wholeheartedly. No need to answer to anyone, full facilities, a steady supply of materials and a peaceful environment.

Soisen felt that with the information he gave Dumbledore about Voldemort's Horcruxes, Snape should be able to be relieved of his precarious position as a double spy. Over the years they became close and he was sure that if they were the same age, he would not hesitate to use the label of good friend.

He remembered how Snape would end up if he followed that path and wanted to give him an alternative.

To his utter astonishment, the other party did not immediately refuse and lowered his gaze slightly, a sign Soisen recognized as a gesture that he was doing some deep thinking, carefully weighing the possibility.

Acting for so many years as he did took its toll on anyone.

Even Snape, a man with a strong mind and a powerful will, would end up feeling the weight on his back and the wear and tear on his body. Everything he did for Dumbledore, he did for Lily's promise of safety.

A promise that Dumbledore was unable to keep when he needed her most.

On that day, a rift formed in the relationship between him and the headmaster of the school of magic, a rift that was slowly mended by the existence of Lily's son.

Dumbledore once again promised to keep the boy safe and when he saw what he became by spending his life with the Dursleys, he knew that Dumbledore had once again deceived him. A malnourished boy with no prior knowledge of magic and an impulsive temper reminiscent of his monster of a father.

That anguish was veiled with the letter Soisen gave him.

Slowly with the acts he witnessed and as the years passed at school, Soisen gained more and more of the position of Lily's true son while his perception of Harry slipped more and more into the son of James, not Lily.

The only trace he could see of her in the boy were the eyes, which looked at him with resentment and distaste.

Many times she had to remind herself that this was not her look, this was not Lily's look.

Was it really worth it to keep wasting his life taking care of that child?

She helped him so many times, saved him so many times in an obvious way and not once did she get a thank you or a nod.

Nothing but suspicions, accusations and dirty looks.

He was ungrateful, just like James and his minions.

Snape was tired.

So Soisen's proposal sounded good, very good to his ears.

But at the moment he was following up on Dumbledore's condition and supplying a potion that kept the curse on his hand at bay. He also met a few times with Voldemort and was aware of his condition. Not to mention the mark on his arm.

-"Professor," Soisen brought him out of his musings abruptly, "I think I know what's troubling you at the moment and I have a couple of suggestions I think you might listen to.

Snape looked at him doubtfully, but nodded for him to say them and for him to hear them.

...A complex explanation later....

-That's... brilliant," Snape was speechless. Could that be done?

-So, what do you think of my proposal for your early "retirement"? -Soisen asked somewhat nervously, because Snape was always a difficult person to read.

Snape gave him one last look before sighing and turning to head towards the exit of the classroom.

-I'll give you an answer when the school year is over, I need to think about it.