Boys Will Be Boys

"Alright, Lord Jaken, we'll begin your training as promised. Now, you're sure you don't mind a human teaching you how to defend yourself? I'm certain Lord Sesshomaru wouldn't have had a problem teaching you," Meioshi tried.

Really, she was trying to understand the reason for Jaken's request, if nothing else. With the heritage festival practically over since the representative of the First General hadn't shown up for the traditional training sequence, (or, to be more truthful, since Meioshi was trying to avoid having to confront the new representative by welcoming the distraction) the good doctor initiated the lessons while the villagers marveled at the decor for a bit longer. Once the emperor blessed the village, all of Heiwa would be free to resume their normal business hours and such. Jaken, Yuko, Ohta, and Homugi were all seated at Kirameku Ha's dojo while Meioshi stood tall and firm before them. This was probably the most samurai-looking that anyone had ever seen of the good doctor. She wasn't wearing her doctor's garb or a festive kimono, but she was dressed like a proper fighting instructor. Tabi socks, gloves, naginata kihon yo, headband, a very quirky top and hakama set, and rank belt! Homugi's eyes were sparkling at Meioshi's new look. She didn't look like the princess anymore but a strong warrior. She couldn't pinpoint why, but she liked Meioshi like that. It was like a reminder that Meioshi was a challenger not just a humble housewife. Her herb-patterned top was a nice touch, though, and a little tiara wouldn't hurt. That would make her even cuter!

Kirameku Ha's family was also in the dojo - namely, his two sons, Eikichi and Maniwa - but the elder was present and supervising the training as well. Jaken hadn't formally met the youngest son of Kirameku Ha, but the man didn't seem to look like his father the way Eikichi did. Maniwa was sort of like Ohta - a bit more feminine in the face. He must've taken after his mother. It was a shame that Kirameku Ha had lost his wife to unknown circumstances, but the children seemed to be okay. Eikichi was almost motherly towards his father and younger brother, and Maniwa had the personality of Kirameku Ha and the stance of a warlord. It was kind of like looking at a human version of Lord Sesshomaru in terms of status. Even though Kirameku Ha wasn't a king, he moved and carried himself like someone of high nobility. Maniwa exuded that the most.

Shaking his head violently, Jaken raised a fist and said confidently, "Yes! You're the only human I know who will go toe to toe with Lord Sesshomaru in pure combat. You have to be strong enough to catch his attention for this long."

"Yeah," Maniwa scoffed, turning his eyes to the side. "Never mind her feminine features."

"Cousin, you promised you would behave!" Meioshi fussed with some embarrassment.

"Kya! But you are cute, Mama Mei-Mei!" Ohta cheered, blushing at Meioshi's fighting garb. He gushed out, "It's just like the day I met you. Those pouty lips and that full head of hair! You're just missing your lipstick and sword!"

"This is not the time!" Meioshi fussed, blushing minutely at the compliments. "What fighting styles do you know, Lord Jaken? We'll start there."

"Uhh... that's the point of me coming to you, human," Jaken replied, dropping his fist with confusion.

"Imps should have at least one fighting pattern or tactic you naturally know. Perhaps you merely don't know the name of it. Here," Meioshi said, walking over to the bucket of bamboo shinai, bokken and naginata at the dojo's disposal. She chose a heavy naginata styled like a boat oar that was similar in shape to the Nintojo and handed it to Jaken. When he took it, she walked over to a stand and nodded at it for Jaken to place his staff onto the stand. She then instructed, "We'll start with a proper sizing for your practice weapon. For now, Nintojo will have to take a nap."

"Why can't I fight with Nintojo?" Jaken questioned, hesitant on releasing his special item.

"Because I don't have enough sand to put out your flames, Lord Jaken!" Meioshi answered with a bubblegum smile.

"Perfect! Master, burn the pretty pretty!" Umebayashi screeched, snapping to Meioshi's direction with glowing eyes and a parted mouth.

"Fool..." Seisuiki huffed, silencing the hag's flames. "Let the master do his training in peace. We will rest."

Jaken grew quiet, locked eyes with Meioshi for a while, and then placed Nintojo onto the stand Meioshi had provided. Though no one else could hear Nintojo's voices, Jaken began to wonder about Seisuiki's words. He was so trusting of the witch and unbearably patient. Maybe that's what made Jaken trust the doctor a tad more. He wanted to help Lord Sesshomaru the way Meioshi seemed to be capable of doing. Plus, this was probably the only way he could see Meioshi's true power. It didn't make sense to him. Hell, it wouldn't make sense to anyone. How can a simple human throw his lord off a cliff like that? Without the Tetsaiga, no less! Then again, Heiwa itself was a strange place full of warriors with immeasurable power. Look at Kirameku Ha. He was able to separate Sesshomaru and Meioshi from their fight practically bare-handed! Even then, he threw Reijiro to the ground with a sliver of waterpower! Such a feat was impossible. Lord Arimasa, Meioshi's grandfather, had appeared to them as a great sea dragon, so he had to have been powerful as well.

"Why are holy warriors like you so different from Shinto priestesses?" Jaken asked after a moment of silence. Meioshi turned to him with a fairly calm expression on her face but said nothing. Instead, she waited for him to finish speaking. "Me Lord and I have traveled these lands together for many years. The most powerful priestesses that I've come to know by name or association have been that wench, Kagome, Inuyasha's former lover, Kikyo, Lady Kanae of Fire Island, and the fabled Midoriko, creator of the Shikon Jewel. Perhaps in her prime, Lady Kaede might have been strong, but that is up for debate."

Eikichi and Maniwa gave each other a quick glance before smirking. The imp knew so little.

"Why have I never heard of you until now?" Jaken asked with a more serious expression that almost seemed uncharacteristic. He truly wanted to know.

"... Save for Kaede-sensei, I'm afraid I know nothing of the other names you've spoken," Meioshi replied with an equally serious expression. "Actually, let me correct that statement. I don't care about the others besides Midoriko. The only reason I'm sparing her name is because of Kaede-sensei's history with the Shikon Jewel. To answer your question, holy warriors like me and those of the Shinto faith tend not to get along for multiple reasons. I was fortunate to have met Kaede-sensei and to have become her pupil in the affairs of medicine and civil rights. Shinto priestesses are usually better off in terms of how they navigate in social circles. They can move through life easier and have more independency than your average woman or servant to the gods. Some like Kaede-sensei are capable of owning land and/or running an entire village as a type of parish, or priest-run community. What I don't particularly like about Shinto is their dismissal of other worlds beyond Nihon, their so-called 'system' for kami, and the lack of free will or choice they tend to give to the less fortunate. This includes their use of quacks to heal others. The reason you've never heard of me is because I chose not to be known, and most stories involving me are not exactly nice fairytales."

"You knew of the Shikon Jewel? Why didn't you go after it or help stop Naraku?" Jaken asked.

"... It was not my battle to fight. It was Kaede-sensei's," Meioshi replied. "She had informed us of Inuyasha's resurrection, but Kirameku Ha-sensei told me to stand down. The Shikon Jewel never made its way in this direction, so I had no contact (or worry) with this Naraku you're talking about. Naraku was not after Kaede-sensei, so the most I could do was wait."

"Many people died at the hands of Naraku. Did that mean nothing to you? You're a doctor, after all," Jaken inquired.

"There isn't much I can do if my sensei tells me to stand down," Meioshi replied with a small smirk. "The laws I follow are very strict. My powers can do more harm than good. It's usually best that I wait."

"What laws do you follow?" Jaken asked, drinking up a lot of the information. It seems Meioshi is a lot more powerful than anyone took her for.

"Hijiri kishi no yarikata, the ways of the holy knight," Meioshi replied. "It is a fusion of the Bushido Code and key components of Shintoism. You are not learning this fighting style, I'm afraid, Lord Jaken. For now, you are discovering your own fighting style. If there is something you simply wish to know about my fighting style, then I can instruct you on that. Ohta, come."

"Hai!" Ohta cheered excitedly, grabbing a bamboo bokken.

"If you can defeat my Ohta by knocking his weapon out of his hands, then we will refine your fighting style around that. Deal?" Meioshi offered, waving a hand before dropping it.

"... Okay," Jaken replied with some suspicion. Honestly, he would rather fight Meioshi herself, but he knew he'd bite the dust at her hands. Perhaps he should do what she does and stand down. Instead, he twirled the naginata around with a new sense of determination and fire and said, "Let's go, kid! I'm gonna kick your butt for all the times you tried to steal my food!"

"Winner gets extra dumplings for dinner!" Ohta challenged, getting into position.

"You're on!" Jaken replied.

Meioshi backed up and signaled, "Begin."

Flippin'... WHAM!


Ohta panicked and ran to Jaken's side to check for wounds. "Whoo, shit! Lord Jaken, are you okay?"

"Little one, language!" Meioshi reprimanded, hustling over to Jaken. "Did you not hear the signal, Lord Jaken? I thought you were ready!"

"How am I supposed to defend myself against that!?" Jaken argued, puffing his chest out to stomp at Meioshi. "He moved so fast!"

Meioshi produced an interesting face before saying softly, "Well, you definitely weren't lying about needing fighting lessons. I would've thought you could handle a human child. We'll start you off with the basics."