Boys Will Be Boys part 2


As unnecessary as the numbers were, Sesshomaru was loathe to admit that his band of men were actually pretty proficient in combat. Reijiro, an adept user of stealth, wind, and nature, was interesting to watch. Instead of using the elements as enhancers to his abilities, the dark inu soldier was using the shadows around him to enhance his speed and letting his speed form cutting slashes and stun attacks. It was impressive. His lordship knew about Ichi's fighting capabilties. With his chakrams and natural speed, he was a devastating opponent in terms of pure power and technique. Yamashi, like Meioshi, hid a lot of power. Sesshomaru could admit that he was interested in him as another rival. They were both equal in class being princes to their respective clans, regardless of the other's loyalty to it, and they both seemed to have a dislike/disagreement with their fathers as heads. Ignoring this personal detail, Yamashi handled his battle axe with ease and an intention to kill. His physique was bulkier than he let on, but that seemed to be a trait of the wild boars when they assumed more human qualities. Maybe that meant Yuko liked strong, healthy men. The human nuisance kept the wild boar prince home. Despite the teasing from earlier, Yamashi never said he didn't love Yuko or thought about a second wife... He just made it painfully clear (and probably really obvious to the good doctor) that Yuko had a certain... charm.

Knocking the head off a pallbearer, or at least punching it into the ground some distance away from them, Sesshomaru asked in an almost innocent voice, "Boar Prince? Why did you want Yuko at your bedside?"

Surrounding their enemies in a whirlwind of fire, Yamashi turned to look at Sesshomaru for the briefest of moments before he smirked. That's what he was waiting on. He wasn't sure when Sesshomaru was going to do it, but he had a feeling - as small as it was - that Sesshomaru was going to need a specialized (or rather more delicate) treatment towards his stay in Heiwa. It was only a matter of time. Yamashi was already suspicious of the other prince when they first met during Tsuyoi's funeral. Though Yamashi was very emotional at the time, Moeru filled him in on Sesshomaru's investigations leading him to Meioshi. His actions against Kirameku Ha were uncalled for, hence their first encounter not being very welcoming, but Yamashi practically spied on Sesshomaru from afar after he caught wind of the commotion with those samurai. One of two things could have happened on that day: one, Sesshomaru gets entertained by the doctor's misfortune, which (if you're claiming her as a rival) is standard procedure, and then steps in to insult her more or get rid of the low-class competition; two, he steps in as a territorial thing and proceeds to fight her. The absolute icing on the cake, however - nay, the whole reason Yamashi had kept his sight on Sesshomaru - was because his lordship didn't just go with the first option. He didn't even go with the second option. No, he did something that no other demon had done. According to reputable sources (i.e. Kirameku Ha), he restored her honor.

Truthfully, most warriors don't play around with the code of honor even as a joke, especially demons. An insult to one warrior is an insult to all. Reijiro found out the hard way, but it was a rookie mistake. He's learning. That's from man to man. Such an act, whether Sesshomaru knew it or not, from man to woman was a high honor. In the wild boar kingdom, however, such a thing was also counted as a courting proposal. Yamashi knew Sesshomaru was an inu, so he couldn't jump to any conclusions. Oh, but he did when Kita returned from the sister village!

"Thought she was sexy," Yamashi replied. "Why? Sah!"

"... Appearances move you so easily?" Sesshomaru then asked, summoning his whip.

"Hell no. The doctor was just dolling her up one night and I stalked her home. Doc was cooking dinner, so I snuck over to Yuko while her 'bodyguard' was distracted. She used to fight with an enchanted wok skillet at the time. She hit me with it! Her bravery and that power swing was what got me," Yamashi said proudly, though his smile could be mistaken for lust and/or longing. "I think I said it out loud. 'You don't know it yet, but you're my wife.' Ha ha ha!"

"Look at us now," Ichi remarked, giving his brother-in-law a look with a slow blink added to it.

"Tryin' to take Yuko from me, fucker?" Yamashi asked teasingly.

"... Why didn't you find the doctor attractive?"

Whoo! Yeah, you're in too deep... Yamashi thought.

"She didn't hit me with a wok skillet for one," Yamashi answered. "Two, she was too busy teaching me how to be a good husband for Yuko. I respect her. People can be pretty without being attractive to you. Doc's too sexy to stay single for eternity."

"None of the men in the village tried approaching her?" Sesshomaru asked quietly, thinking back to Kirameku Ha's words about Meioshi changing marital norms.

"If they did, they usually failed or were turned away. Why? Was she with a man you didn't like or somethin'?" Yamashi asked.

"Someone of her stature would have been betrothed to another by now. Has she... rejected someone? Or had been rejected herself?"

"Ah, you're trying to see if she's been in Homugi's position?" Yamashi asked. "No, I don't think she's been in either of your positions. She's courted other men before. I don't know about any marriage proposals from them. Yuko did mention something about her trying to meet with a perfect guy. It's a man her uncle knows. You can see if he's worthy of her hand."

"I would have thought she'd be comfortable with demon men given the nature of her village. None of our kind have shown interest?"

Did he just...? Ichi thought, wide-eyed along with Reijiro. Is he gonna say it?

"Does Lady Uo count?" Yamashi asked.

"No," Sesshomaru said quickly.

"Gonna go with no then. I haven't seen any demon men take an interest," Yamashi replied.

"The fool truly has run out of good fortune," Sesshomaru said with a huff before leading the way forward again.

The men collapsed on the ground, hopes dashed. He was more stubborn than they thought.