Tale 3 : Tale about Mammal Golems

Bhun, narrator, a brown street dog - Katshun, a Maane beginner detective (a bureaucrat) and his helper, another maane student detective, Keshagya are investigating the murder of 2 rich and well privileged women. This story is taking place in the imperial district of Heereshwar.

[There was blood dripping from the bathroom pan. A female servant named Anita entered the bathroom and screamed, "AAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...!", and began informing everybody about the murder, grasping for breath.]

[2 days later]

Katshun and Keshagya entered the crime scene.

Katshun(to informer, female servant) – Hello miss! I'd like to get straight to the point! So you went to the bathroom, you saw Siyareen's body torn apart from the abdomen and then you shouted? Explain your and the party's situation more.

Anita (looked very worried) - Yes. I was going to clean the bathroom as usual. That was when I saw the body and screamed. It was a pretty noisy place, as expected in a party, so nobody could hear much. So I went ahead and unplugged the loud speaker to gather everyone's attention. After informing them, the crowd started running outside. The whole party was ruined.

Katshun (To Keshagya) - What background report do we have on her? Check her id from the club's computer.

Keshagya - I already did that bro. She was 36 years old. Ran her husband's furniture business herself after his death. Has a daughter of 18 years old. Blood type A+. She was admired by all her employees and relatives. Bright women she was.

Katshun - Bright indeed, such shame she had to die in her own party. Well....It all happened in the bathroom, let's have a look there.

Katshun and Keshagya were looking around the crime scene thoroughly. After some time -

Katshun - Her daughter, was she still crying outside after coming to the scene 1 hour later?

Keshagya - yes sir.

Katshun(noticed the bathroom window was wide open) - Understandable. I had just 1 question for her, so let's ask her later tonight.

Katshun(With Keshagya, on their way out, asked to Anita) - Does the window usually stay wide open?

Anita(surprised) - No sir! It's not opened normally! Until I am cleaning it!

Katshun - Thank you.

Anita (broke down a bit) - Find it soon and kill it!

Katshun - I cannot promise anything yet, but we will punish the golem soon!

Katshun(to Keshagya) - Lets check out behind the bathroom a bit.

After checking there Katshun noticed that one of the drainage covers was slightly damaged, as if it was pushed violently from below.

Katshun - Did you notice that?

Keshagya(Surprised) - This dodged my eyes completely !

Katshun(to Keshagya picking a metal piece) - Found this broken belt lock hanging on the window sashe lock. It's too small to be a human's belt.

Keshagya - Indeed! I didn't notice this either!

Katshun - Now then, we are done here for now. Let's go check out the next scene!

[Few minutes later they arrive at the next crime scene, it was one of the bigger NGO premises in the city. Katshun on entering the premise met the informer, an elderly worker there]

Katshun(to the informer, showing his police id) – Hello Uncle! Can you please take us to the scene and give me a detailed description of what you saw there yesterday when you went to clean it uncle.

Tulun - Follow me boys.[after reaching the scene, behind the premise, an entrance into a lonely alleyway] Here(his face turned pale, and grasping for breath), she lay here, her legs only remained, almost her whole body missing from between.

Katshun(pointing at the drain) - Was her blood flowing towards that drainage beside where her body laid?

Tulun(sudden shriek voice) - Exactly ! That drain is where her blood flowed!

Katshun(inspected the drain closely and found some fur. Showed it up to Keshagya) - Do you think it is a dog or a cat?

Keshagya - The drain cover is relatively small for a dog, it's a cat I reckon.

Tulun(surprised) - Boys! I just remembered that Kurashi used to feed street animals almost every other Saturday! This spot was usually for dogs !

Katshun - Yes! I reckon it's a dog too, the drain cover would be too heavy and tight for a creature the size of a cat to break and lift up.

Keshagya - Ohhh ! So that's what happened!

Katshun - Exactly! This golem has disguised as a dog! And now it's playing the role of a "Good pet" to lure in women who like pets and eat them!

Keshagya - Amazing plan he cooked up!

Tulun(started crying recklessly) - Catch this bastard and punish him ! Killing our manager! She maintained this charity for thousands of people! She served humanity before her life! How can anybody kill her!?!? Find and kill him boys ! He deserves to die!

Katshun - Indeed! Agreed! Don't worry Uncle! We will catch him and serve justice!

[He left the scene with Keshagya on a taxi]

Keshagya(while in taxi) - Well, we did promise him,..... But now the bigger problem is HOW. ....How do we catch him bro?

Katshun - I've been thinking that too. Let's try and connect some dots and recall what we observed at my place.

Keshagya – Let's do that!

[They reached Katshun's apartment in about 20 mins with some snacks. They freshened up and sat to discuss]

Katshun - So it's confirmed that it's a dog, a cute looking small dog at that.

Keshagya - Yes, it took its disguise from the streets most probably.

Kasthun - So this MAMMAL GOLEM, is a sneaky bastard.

[Explanation - A MAMMAL GOLEM is a golem that eats a mammal and takes its appearance. Just like all golems they increase its own lifespan by eating mammals. But the transformation into a mammal will require the brain and the heart of the victim at the least. Vital organs like Liver, Kidneys and Lungs will improve the functionality of the newly transformed body.]

Keshagya - Indeed, now we know for sure that it only targets women. But what else is up with their pets.

Katshun - Ya, exactly! The victims somehow have some relation with a pet in some way. But Siyareen…..... not with her, in her case the cur simply broke through the window and waited for her there in hiding. But what's bothering me is that why did none of them scream?

Keshagya(Surprised) - WHAT?

Katshun - Exactly ! If a monster dog is about to kill you, it will take some time for it to transform, then why did both Siyareen and Kurashi not scream for their life?

Keshagya(thoughtful) - uhhhmm..... Maybe when Siyareen entered the bathroom, it first split her neck open, that prevented her from screaming. Maybe he did the same with Kurashi as well?

Katshun - That's a very easy and common explanation for most Mammal golem cases, but this time, it didn't even look like they were struggling, in fact from the photos it looked like they were simply laying there waiting to be split open.

Keshagya(surprised) - Fair point! What do you suggest happened then?

Katshun - Lets first talk to Siyareen's daughter now, she must've calmed down by now. Call her.

Keshagya(using his mobile device) - Right!

[Siyareen's daughter picks up]

Keshagya(puts it on loud speaker) - Hello, is this Siyareen's daughter?

Her(sobbing and timid voice) - yes! Did you find it!?!?

Keshagya - We are close, please cooperate mam.

Katshun - Hello mam, did your mom like pets a lot?

Her(thoughtful) - uhhmm... Yes! She had a pet, which ran away months ago, or so she thought.

Katshun - Did she report a case to find it? Was it found?

Her - No, nothing was done, she was very sad then, she said she wasn't worthy enough to take care of him so he ran away.

Katshun - Alright, now main question, What did it look like?

Her - uhmm.....ya! It was white and light brown; it was a relatively smaller dog.

Katshun(excited) - Thank you very much ! We'll call again soon!

Her(screaming miserably) - Yes ! Kill him at all costs !

[She kept the call]

Keshagya - Its finally getting clearer I see. Why didn't I think of this earlier.

Katshun – Don't worry junior, you'll learn, the last surprise is still pending !

Keshagya - What is it tell please !

Katshun - Patience bro patience. what's more important is to identify the next victim.

Keshagya - Ahhh !! Exactly ! Tell me how do we do that?

Katshun - Look closely, Both Siyareen and Kurashi are pretty rich! And they look attractive as well ! Let me summarize:

1. They are attractive.

2. They are rich, highly privileged women.

3. They are single with no male companion.

4. Have some access or link to a dog somehow.

If we can observe every woman like this we can find it somehow!

Keshagya - It all makes sense, but I'm afraid there are many like that.

Katshun - We just have to check in this city. I'm kinda sure it has knowledge of people of this city only, that will be more convenient for it. Let's check the archives and the internet!

Keshagya - Right!

[30 minutes later]

Keshagya - I have found 20 that match those 4 features.

Katshun - Good, let's try to inform HQ about observing them !

[Ring Ring Ring]

Katshun - Whose call is that?

Keshagya - HQ itself called us...(picking it up) Hello Sir!

HQ Senior(a deep voice angrily) - The third victim is already on our plates within 5 days! What in the hell have you 2 been doing? Go and check out The Landlord's daughter in Gunge! He is a very important figure ! He will not take it lightly after losing his daughter! Solve it within tomorrow or else you 2 are getting a suspension damnn it![He cut the call immediately]

[They rush to the bungalow in Gunge. Entering the scene, the Landlord was crying, and biting his lips with rage and sorrow. It was again in the bathroom]

Katshun - Fuck! (looking at the landlord) I swear on my life Uncle, I will bring you his head by tomorrow, so if you could please cooperate and give me a recent photo of her?

Landlord(Angrily) - How can you not know her damn it ! She is a star ! A Social media star! She was my only daughter!

Katshun(looked down and then away) - Thank you sir.

[They left the scene]

Katshun(looking at her media pictures and tells to keshagya) - This seems a very spoilt girl. Her name's Bhrushani. Looks like she had a lot of enemies, she was a bully. But anyways, she doesn't deserve to die like this I believe. I'll find it by tonight. Come with me brother ! I think I have found the last victim !

Keshagya - huh? But how bro?

Katshun - You'll see soon, now come!

[Hot steamy bathroom, clean walls, slippery tub, just emptied of soap water, she danced with joy. lallal la la.....la la lalla la.... she sang, round and round with her thick thighs she goes... she was alone at home, she threw her towel away..... jumped in the bed..... looking happy.... her dog then entered the room... climbed her bed..... she grabbed his neck and was about to kiss..... when the blade swinged through the room, straight through its neck]

Katshun(activated his Scissor ability) - 50 grilled scissors. Activate!

[The dog took its Golem giant form, it looked like a rocky humanoid with the head of a dog. It broke out the window trying to escape]

Katshun - Stop him from front ! I'll corner it to the back wall !

Keshagya threw his dagger and warped there.

Katshun - 80 Long sear blades rain!

[blades rained, rendered it immovable]

Katshun - I have only 1 question before I slice your tongue out like a dog dying of thirst. Why did you kill these women? WHY?

Golem - hahahahahaha......They were too horny! hahahahaha.....And so was I ! I gave them their last pleasure before killing them !..hahahahaha..... funny they had it coming ! Foolish beastiality bitches they were ! hahahahaha......

Katshun(to keshagya) - Do me the honors brother.

Keshagya pushed his dagger down its throat and slit out its tongue, and sliced its lower jaws, it was trying to scream, but without a tongue, it was all for naught.

Katshun – Don't worry, I'll empty your libido forever ! (activated his scissor and chopped his dick off) Scream! You son of a bitch ! Try and Scream ! I wanna hear your screams !

[It tried to shrieking again]

Katshun, with a very villainous look on his face, then chopped off his balls too.

Katshun - hey bro, I promised that landlord his head, will you do me the favor?

Keshagya - With pleasure! But you still haven't told me how you found it !

[Kumon, the last victim entered the scene with towel on her]

Katshun - Look at her Beauty mark. She is a to-be model. Her name is Kumon. All of his victims had a beauty mark just like her. That was the 5th and final feature of this fucking furry fucker!

1. They are attractive.

2. They are rich, highly privileged women.

3. They are single with no male companion.

4. Have some access or link to a dog somehow.

5. They have a beauty mark on their neck somewhere.

Keshagya - Damnn ! How could such a visible feature skip my attention ! And now? What will be the punchline of this case?

Katshun - Unconditional love is for women and pets!

Keshagya - Might they love each other, misdeed begets!