Tale 4 : Tale of the GD-Torch

Narrator's tools:

[] - description.

{} - thoughts of characters.

() - optional meaning of words or cultural references and traditional aspects.

Names Kato, I'm a hermit crab in this beach and I'll be your narrator for this story.

Its taking place in the Southern States, which is known for fishing, fish processing, food production, food processing, farming and other ration needs.

Our main character of this story is Sanghou, a trainee rank Hoom police. He has been working as a Security Guard in this mall for about 5 months now. He knows most of the stall owners pretty well. Being a cop, he has a firm grasp of the locality.

[Day 1]

It was a Thursday, afternoon time, around 2 Pm. Many shopkeepers here take a break for lunch and short rest at this time, so most shops are temporarily closed for the day.

Sanghou was sitting by the main gate gazing at the ocean, when he heard a scream. An adult male voice. He ran to the second floor. It was in front of the bathroom, 4 people had gathered there. He saw blood flowing out of the bathroom. He set others aside and entered the bathroom with caution and his weapon ready. He was shocked at the sight of the sliced dead body. It was an adult male. The Golem had left the sight or so he thought.

Sanghou - Leave the mall, everybody, and stay cautious.[Just when they were about to leave he noticed the nearest stall and its owner.] You! Your name's Abhi right? Others leave.

Abhi - Yes vatsa("vatsa", in my language, is usually used to address a child or someone of your son's age.)

Sanghou - This is your stall, right?

Abhi - Yes vatsa, and I also reached here first and screamed.

Sanghou - Did you see anything notable?

Abhi - I saw nothing much, I just got here to reopen my shop after lunch, and I saw the bathroom door was slightly opened and blood flowing out of it. I panicked so I screamed.

Sanghou - Alright, don't panic. I'll investigate this case. Let me inform the manager and my higher ups first. [Just when both of them were about to leave Sanghou noticed the shutter of the stall was raised slightly.]

Sanghou - But one thing, don't you usually lock the door after leaving for lunch, or so you said earlier?

Abhi - No, I don't lock it but I shut it down completely.

Sanghou - [Pointing below the shutter] Then why is it slightly opened?

Abhi - [Got worried] I swear I have no idea! I just arrived here and panicked! I didn't notice this at all!

Sanghou - Open it fast!

[Abhi pulls up the shutter]

[Sanghou gets his Golem Detecting Torch aka GDT. This torch is used to detect Golems in their Material state. When in Material state, the Disparticulite in the living Golem's body emits a wave that can be detected by the GD-Torch. This Torch comes in various power levels for various prices. The cheapest one can detect living Disparticulite through about 3 cm of Glass while the most expensive one, that came to market 20 years ago, can penetrate through many meters of concrete and even determine their location from the Torch's screen. Although these torches have limited ranges, they are very effective in finding hidden golems within buildings. Some Officers are rewarded these torches depending on their achievement by HQs of both Hoom and Maan parties. The one presently used here by Sanghou is one of the cheapest and outdated models.]

Sanghou - [He started searching for the Materialized Golem. He opened up all lockers and glass shelves, checked everywhere, nothing to be found.] Shit, it escaped.... probably. [To Abhi] I'll investigate the area, don't enter your shop for a week, I'll ask the manager for a leave as well.

[Abhi left the scene.]

[Sanghou Hurried to the manager's stall to inform him. The stall was opened, all his wares were there but he wasn't. Sanghou instantly got his torch out and searched through the stall.] {Why isn't he here, could it be possible that the golem consumed him and is now hiding in his disguise?}[While he was searching, the manager Rastogi showed up into the stall.]

Manager Rastogi - Hey Sanghou! What in the hell happened! How could a customer die in my shop!?

Sanghou - I was wondering the same thing. And for some reason my suspicions are on you. I'll have to ask you a few questions so sit down! [Sanghou placed the chair violently in front of him. Rastogi sat very nervously.]

Rastogi - Are you out of your mind? You really think that I .... of all people .....am in a disguise?

Sanghou - We'll see. Now, where have you been for the last 30 mins?

Rastogi - I obviously went to have lunch at this time.

Sanghou - Obviously, how old is this mall?

Rastogi - Are we seriously doing this?

Sanghou - Just standard procedure. Please cooperate.

Rastogi - ughh... Fine..... it's been 4 years and 8 months.

Sanghou - Very well, When did I start working here?

Rastogi - 5 months and...uhh... a week .

Sanghou - Good, How many stalls did this mall have when it was 2 years old? And how many does it have now?

Rastogi - What the hell is wrong with you!?

Sanghou - Just answer it please.

Rastogi - [Angrily]Fine! There were 25 malls back then, and after that I built another 30, so 55 in all.

Sanghou - hm hmmm.....let's see how you answer this one, I only said this to the manager after coming here. How old am I and when is my birthday?

Rastogi - Ahh... yeesss....[went in a gaze] I remember that day, just a week after you were appointed here. You were a bit shy, I showed you around the beach and had dinner together that day. You asked me to keep this a secret for a few months. You are 16 years old and your birthday is on April 15th, 2 months from now.

Sanghou - My sincere apologies Kaku("Kaku" is the word you use to address an uncle who is typically younger than your dad in my language). I am sorry to have suspected you.

Rastogi - It's alright boy, you're just doing your job. Just find this golem fast and bring us to justice!

Sanghou - I am trying my best Kaku! I need some time, and also, I suggest keeping the mall closed for 1 week. I have a feeling that it is hiding in its Material State somewhere in this mall itself.

Rastogi - [sighed]I understand.[After some thinking.] Okay fine, inform everybody, I declare a week of holiday.

Sanghou - I'll do just that![He announced it in the mall speakers]

[1 week later, Day 2]

[The mall was reopened. Sanghou was on guard near the bathroom area, especially during afternoon. Nothing suspicious happened, not until at an unfortunate time, and at a very unfortunate place. It was at evening, when the mall was about to be closed. Sanghou was just patrolling the balcony of that floor before locking it as usual. But that is when he noticed the next murder. It was an old lady this time. Sanghou immediately rushed to Abhi's stall and found something very suspicious. The shutter had a cracked hole, the size of a coconut. He then rushed to managers stall to inform it and investigate.]

Sanghou - [grasping for breath] Kaku.... Kaku! Its next victim. Call Abhi! Now!

Rastogi - [His face tensed up, instantly picked the phone and called him without any questions.] It's not ringing, it says it's switched off.

Sanghou - Call again!

Rastogi - [Very tensed. He called him a 2nd time, same thing repeats] Same..... could it be.... that its him?

Sanghou - Very much possible. Call his home!

Rastogi - [calls his home, someone picked it] Hello, Abhi is it you?

Abhi's wife answers the call - No, I'm his wife. Let me hand him the phone.

Abhi - Hello.

Sanghou - Do you recognize my voice?

Abhi - Sanghou my child! What's up?

Sanghou - Where have you been? why weren't you picking the phone?

Abhi - My phone's battery is dead so maybe it couldn't ring.

Sanghou - Get back here immediately. There is another victim!

Abhi - [Shocked] I'll be there in a few mins!

[10 mins later Abhi comes back and find them very tensed in the manager's stall.]

Abhi - [Entered very shocked]What has gone wrong with this mall!?

Sanghou - I am wondering the same thing. Take a seat.

[Abhi sits across to the manager's table.]

Sanghou - Did you notice anything suspicious in your shop today?

Abhi - uhmm.... Come to think of it,... when I returned from lunch today to reopen my stall, I found the Glass shelf opened. I mean it's not like its rare, it's not a tight shelf so it does sometimes gets opened due to air pressure when I open my stalls main door. But today the shelf was already opened before I opened the main door, which is very rare.

Sanghou - Did you notice anything damaged?

Abhi - uhmm...Not that I remember since I closed my stall.

Sanghou - Alright, What's your son's name and age?

Abhi - Seriously? May I know why ask that?

Sanghou - I don't totally suspect that you are the disguised golem, but just following standard protocol and for my verification.

Abhi - well,..... alright, his name is Utkarsh, meaning "rising up in rank" or "improvement". He is turning 8 years old this year. His birthday is on April 20th.

Sanghou - [Looks at Rastogi who was checking Abhi's files to verify the facts.] Sounds okay Kaku?

Rastogi - Yes, indeed.[They smirked at each other for knowing that his birthday is 4 days after Sanghou's. And by the way, its 4 days because that's how dates work, there are 4 days between 15th and 20th of April.]

Sanghou - Alright. I found a large hole cracked open in your stall's shutter. Anything you have to say about that?

Abhi - [Shocked] I can only suspect that the golem surely is hiding in some material state.

Sanghou - Exactly! My GD torch isn't able to detect it somehow. ....... [Suddenly had a very exciting expression]WAIT! What did you say?

Abhi - uhh...the golem ....is hiding in some material state?

Sanghou - Ya! But which shelf was opened?

Abhi - uhh...its....the 2nd glass shelf if I remember?

Sanghou - Exactly! GLASS IT IS![He rushed to the stall, prepared his weapon and GD torch, to open the shelf and check within it!] So that's why my torch didn't detect it, it's because it's inside the GLASS! My torch cannot detect through glass.[But when he reached there, Alas! He couldn't find anything there. He returned back to Rastogi's stall with sorrow.]

Sanghou - I still couldn't find anything at all.

Rastogi - hmm, in any case I'll declare another week of vacation.

Sanghou - Yes, do it kaku. And Abhi, you may leave.

Abhi - Before that.... uhmmm...Will we be safe?

Sanghou - I am trying my level best to think where this bastard is, but he is outsmarting me and escaping always.

Abhi - I can only say thanks but please keep us safe vatsa.

Sanghou - I..... I'm trying.[Abhi leaves the mall]

Rastogi - So..... did HQ provide anything to solve this case?

Sanghou - That's the problem, they failed to provide any assistant, unfortunately. They said they are busy with a group of bigger golems not far from here.

Rastogi - hmm... they sure have it tough huh.....

Sanghou - Sure do, I've been told that Rank 3s are involved there. The next chapter will be that event actually, so please look forward to it!

Rastogi - Woah! Must be big huh....Totally! Well anyways, since we're here, tell me, I've never gone to the Golem Hunting Training Corpse, so could you tell me more about the GD Torch?

Sanghou - Ahh yes, this thing.[Shows the Torch] .... and ohh its not a hunting training corps exactly. Its more precisely a Livelihood Training School. Ya, we are taught how to hunt golems there, but education is the main goal there. And about this torch.....I got this as a reward for graduating with above 80 points from the School. Although this is the cheapest version there is in the market, its outdated as well. If I had a modern torch I'd have solved this case far sooner.

Rastogi - Good student you were! Why don't you buy a better one? And what is its origin even?

Sanghou - I don't have that money just yet. And ahh about its origin.... yeess.... it was invented in the 7th Imperial Generation. The person who did it is a bit obscured in history and often confused between 2 people. Although the 9th Peak Golem gets the credit for it, but it's said that he actually stole it from another scientist of that time, named Chandrasekhar. Any Torch after that is just an improvement of that original version. It wasn't until the 9th Imperial Generation that it got a huge boost....

Rastogi - Ahh sounds complicated.... a lot of things are happening there.

[4 Days later, Day 3]

[A scene in Abhi's house.]

Abhi - [Speaking in a call] Shreejun("Shreejun" is a word used to address a stranger, usually of similar age, in my language, it literally translates to "good person" or "respectable person"), I will return your money tonight itself. I will pay it in cash, not online. You may come to my house in about an hour.[Cut the call and asked his wife] Hey, should I go and get the money from my shop now? It's pretty urgent matter.

Abhi's wife - wait, with the golem roaming around near there, let me check the Panji.(Panji is a book of astrology used in my culture to foresee good and bad times. It has many other uses too)[3-4 mins later, while Abhi had already gotten ready to go out.] No! Today is a bad day, you shouldn't leave the house today!

Abhi - whaaa..... I already got ready to go.....it's no big deal, it's just a few mins down the road. And it's very urgent too.

Abhi's wife - [Angrily]If you were going to leave anyways then why bother asking me?

Abhi - ohh dear, don't worry. I'll be back in half an hour. Utkarsh! Take care of mom for half an hour, will you son? She is getting worried for nothing.

Utkarsh - [Came down with a smile on his face] Alright dad, I'm here.

[Abhi left his wife worried]

[In the mall. Sanghou saw Rastogi's stall's lock was rusted and broken. It was at this moment when he decided to leave the mall to buy a lock for Rastogi. It was a few mins afar. Abhi reached the mall when Sanghou had already left. As all stall owners of the mall, Abhi had extra keys for the main gate and their stalls. But when he found Sanghou absent from there he thought to himself, "It'll just take a min, I'll just grab the money and leave".]

[5 mins later when Sanghou returned with the lock he saw the main gate was opened, he immediately rushed to the 2nd floor and found Abhi laying dead in his own stall. He still couldn't detect anything there with his Torch. He informed everybody immediately. Abhi's family, Rastogi and some other mall's members reached there.]

Abhi's wife - I told him not to leave! He didn't listen!

[She and her son crying there. It was a tragic scene to behold. Sanghou stood there speechless trying to console Utkarsh. The weight of his responsibility was crushing down on him. Later that night, after serious thinking Sanghou came up with a solution.]

[2 days later. Day4.]

[Sanghou went to Abhi's house to offer his condolences and a choice to Utkarsh.]

Sanghou - Bhai("Bhai" is used to address little brothers in my language, also used to address usually younger male strangers), I have a plan to kill this golem, and for that I'll need your help. Will you avenge your father with your hands?

Utkarsh -[Filled with rage and Vengeance] I will do whatever it takes to get my revenge.

Sanghou - Very good. [to Utkarsh's mom] Do you comply aunty?

Utkarsh's mom - [With a sorrowful face] As long as you can assure my son's safety, I comply.

Sanghou - Rest assured, I will succeed aunty! I will bring justice to you! So Utkarsh, come with me to my cabin. I'll explain the plan there.

[2 days later. Day 5]

[Mall was closed. Sanghou was disguised in a shopkeeper's apparel, hiding. He wanted the golem to mistake him as the new shopkeeper and attack him. He came and sat in the stall, kept his Torch switched on at low power. It was at this moment when the golem fell right into Sanghou's trap. The torch started beeping! The Golem appeared! It had grey coral coarse limbs, and brown shelly body. Its head was small, rocky and had 2 protrusions above it.]

Sanghou - [Screamed] Fire!

Utkarsh - Snail Sonar Deploy!

[Sanghou's ring Deployed his ability of Snail Sonar. It projected and instantly punctured through its head in a single blow! But it was alive.]

Sanghou - Snail Shell Spike Fire! Die Bastard!

[Sanghou fired his Snail Spike, it projected and punctured right through its belly! It fell to the ground broken. Dead!]

Utkarsh - Yaayyy!!!

Sanghou - Good job bhai! 2 hit dead!

[They finally have accomplished the job, with better days ahead of them, or so they thought.]

[2 days later]

[Sanghou went to Abhi's house to offer him a choice. They were sitting in Utkarsh's room.]

Sanghou - {I witnessed his hunger for vengeance in his eyes when he killed the golem}So bhai, tell me, did you like taking it down?

Utkarsh - As much as I'd like to do it again!... and again and again! I wanna bring justice to all of the humans who got eaten by the golems!

Sanghou - hmm.... Now you'll be 10 in 3 years, right?

Utkarsh - Right.

Sanghou - Alright, after you're 10 you'll have the opportunity to join the Golem Hunting School. If you want any help with that just contact me.

Utkarsh - I'll surely do that!..... but... wait, my dad's shop?

Sanghou - You can do that too after you graduate from that School. So you have 2 options:

1. Be the shopkeeper as a regular human, without any golem hunting skills. OR

2. Be a trained Golem hunter, and a shopkeeper simultaneously.

{They rarely ever want to be a shopkeeper after the training, unless they want to make it a big business.}

Utkarsh - I have 3 years to think, hmm.... anyways, tell me one thing dada, how did I use your ring ability there?

Sanghou - ohh yes, I forgot to explain, that is called Jewel Bonding. In this process I bonded your voice with my ring, so you can activate my chosen abilities while wearing it for a temporary time, in this case 4 days.

Utkarsh - woahh! That's soo cool! 4 days? So can I still use it if I wear your ring again now?

Sanghou - huhuhu, nope, you can surely use it, yes, but it eats away at my Particulite reserve, which I am in lack of after the fight.

Utkarsh - ohh! Particulite?

Sanghou - Don't worry, you'll get that explanation when you join the School.

{My final report for this case will be:

Materialized Golems are hard to sight.

But they cannot hide from a good GDT's light.}