Tale 5 : Tale of a Hideout in the East

Narrator's tools:

[] - Description.

{} - Thoughts of characters.

() - Optional meaning of words or cultural references and traditional aspects.

He lay there.... on the verge of death..... beside him... lay his dead comrades..... almost eaten. With all his remaining mental strength he somehow manages to stalk the last golem to its location with his weapon using Astral Kinesis. He was still breathing when he heard her voice, "hang in there", that is the last thing he hears before losing consciousness.

Few hours later he wakes up and finds himself in the hospital bed. She was sitting beside him, with her head bowed, grieving. He went back to sleep. But then he remembered that he had to report the golems' location. Few hours later he woke back up and found her still sitting there, using her mobile. He called out.

Him - Hey Narkolshi, I have something important to report. Can you get me online with our Moderator?

Narkolshi - You will need rest for now Yavasa, you can explain it to me, I'll forward her the message.

Yavasa - hmm...alright... first of all I thank you for bringing me here.

Narkolshi - Part of my job, don't worry.

Yavasa - Soo.... right before you moved me from there I-...I had reached the location of the golem that killed my squad with Astral Kinesis.

[Ohh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm a local Brown Locust in the Industrial District. My name is Phor and I'll be your narrator for this story.... So, Astral Kinesis:

It's an ability for hooms and maans in which they can move their weapons using their mind.

This ability requires Focus Points, which is gained by doing Padmasana with Dhyana mudra. You can google these terms.

In this ability the user can transfer their own senses into that weapon, and at higher level they can furthermore conceal the weapon from other's senses as well.

For example, if I am using Astral Kinesis with my Dagger, then I can move it around with my mind, I can see what the weapon is seeing, hear the surroundings of the weapon, smell what it smells, and even touch whatever the weapon touches. And at a higher level I can make it invisible, unhearable, unsmellable and untouchable to others as well! Pretty cool right!

Now then, Yavasa and Narkolshi are both Category 2 Maan police or Maan Patrol Units. Yavasa means the color of lush young grass, green. And Narkolshi means a mature coconut which has lot of water and also has a layer of kernel in it.]

Narkolshi - That is indeed important info. Tell me more.

Yavasa - So... it is approximately a little less than a hundred meters south east of where you rescued me from. And it is a ruined old building. But....hmm.....

Narkolshi - But what?

Yavasa - Hmm...Unfortunately its a Golem Hideout. And I sensed very strong presence there, I might be wrong though.

Narkolshi - Serious matter... I'll inform the Moderator right away. You take rest.

Yavasa - Please do. Thanks.

[Narkolshi leaves for the Sector Quarters to inform the Moderator. This Sector's Category 3 or Moderator is a woman named Banshantari. The name means the inner state of a Bamboo in my language. Moderators manage the whole police force of an entire sector. They are very powerful people. Even the weakest Moderators can slaughter a whole crowd of regular Elephants OR a bunch of Triceratops in a matter of mere seconds. They shouldn't be messed with under normal circumstances. But then again mammals are not eaten or killed here.

After a few minutes Narkolshi reaches the office and makes her way to the Moderator's room.]

Narkolshi - Mahodaya (Word for "Madam" in my language) Banshantari, sorry to interrupt but I am here to inform something important. May I have a minute please?

Banshantari - [She was talking with another officer of the same category but of lower level] What is it about?

Narkolshi - The location of a Golem Hideout.

Banshantari - hmm..... Alright..... let's talk later Quntalu, you can leave.

Narkolshi - Actually....uhmm.... I'd like it if he stayed.

Banshantari - Quntalu stay then, We are listening.

Narkolshi - It's not a long story, just my friend Yavasa,..... he has found a hideout and he says it's about a hundred meters south east from where I rescued him from.

Banshantari - Using Astral Kinesis right?

Narkolshi - Yes Mahodaya.

Banshantari - Valuable info. Good we had Quntalu stay, can you investigate this place tomorrow bhai?

Quntalu - Sure didi, I'm free anyways.{Why does she keep calling me bhai! I am a man y'know! She calls me that ever since we were in school!}

[The Next Day]

[Yavasa was recovering fast when Quntalu came in to talk to him before leaving for the hideout. When he entered he saw Narkolshi feeding him]

Quntalu - Alright, save your lover birds act for later, time to talk business.

Narkolshi - It's not like that!.[blush]

Quntalu - Hey, Yavasa right?

Yavasa - Yes Mahoday(Word for "Sir" in my language).

Quntalu - I remember its 100 meters south east off the 5 floor ruined Complex... can you say anything more?

Yavasa - hmm.... now that I remember..... the building had 5 floors yes.....

Quntalu - I know that place, what more did you see?

Yavasa - ah yes... I remember, the golem that I was stalking was guised as a cat, ...a brown cat with darker spots..... and uhh.... its tail..... it was kinda.....cut off a bit.

Quntalu - Is that all?

Yavasa - hmm....When we were fighting earlier I found out that his name was Dazz.

Quntalu - [Surprised] Did you say Dazz?

Yavasa - Yes mahoday.

Quntalu - That should do it. Thanks, I'll be on my way.

Yavasa - Be careful mahoday, I sensed a very strong presence there.

Quntalu - I'm sure you did, I have a hunch of who is hiding there.

[The Next Day]

[Yavasa was recovering fast when Quntalu came in to talk to him before leaving for the hideout. When he entered he saw Narkolshi feeding him]

Quntalu - Alright, keep your lovers act away, time to talk business.

Narkolshi - It's not like that!.[blush]

Quntalu - Hey, Yavasa right?

Yavasa - Yes Mahoday(Word for "Sir" in my language).

Quntalu - I remember its 100 meters south east off the 5 floor ruined Complex... can you say anything more?

Yavasa - hmm.... now that I remember..... the building had 5 floors yes.....

Quntalu - I know that place, what more did you see?

Yavasa - ah yes... I remember, the golem that I was stalking was guised as a cat, ...a brown cat with darker spots..... and uhh.... its tail..... it was kinda.....cut off a bit.

Quntalu - Is that all?

Yavasa - hmm....When we were fighting earlier I found out that his name was Dazz.

Quntalu - [Surprised] Did you say Dazz?

Yavasa - Yes mahoday.

Quntalu - That should do it. Thanks, I'll be on my way.

Yavasa - Be careful mahoday, I sensed a very strong presence there.

Quntalu - I'm sure you did, I have a hunch of who is hiding there.

[He leaves to investigate the hideout. When he reached near he started using Astral Kinesis, concealing his weapons visibility, invisible. And it was at this moment when he finds Fazz in there, guised as a brown dog as usual. He called up Banshantari immediately.]

Quntalu - Hello, didi, it's a serious matter.

Banshantari - What is it?

Quntalu - I found Fazz over here!

Banshantari - [surprised]Are you sure?

Quntalu - Positive!

Banshantari - Then get back here for now, we will have to plan it out.

Quntalu - I really want to fight kill him right now!

Banshantari - Don't be hasty, first of all he is too powerful for you alone and he surely has more of his allies close by.

Quntalu - Fair point. So when are we raiding?

Banshantari - Tomorrow.... uhmmm ..maybe...., just come back for now, I'll discuss it tonight.

[Few hours later, in Banshantari's office. She was sitting in front of a screen.]

Quntalu - So... we go tomorrow? Who are coming with us?

Banshantari - I said 'maybe'.... I change my mind. We'll go in 2 days.

Quntalu - Why the delay? What if they leave the spot?

Banshantari - I'm waiting for Yavasa to heal up. He will be very motivated to kill Dazz, who is a good ally of Fazz, who we will be dealing with. And besides, category 3 golems do not change their nests so easily. They wait for weeks or even months in the same spot, growing their power and their connections.

Quntalu - So in 2 days right? I can't wait!

Banshantari - Neither can I, meanwhile I'll look for another person to come along.

[2 days later]

[Quntalu hides behind the front gate. Yavasa climbing the wall on the eastern side. Narkolshi takes the northern corner. Sumon, the last member is on hold at the south eastern corner of the building.]

Banshantari - [Sitting in a tent nearby, waiting for Fazz to show up] Commence the operation.

Quntalu - [Summons his Bamboo sticks. His weapon is a pair of Bamboo Culms which further grows into more bamboo sticks. He breaks the gate and golems start appearing.] Yes! Show up fast! I've been waiting!

Yavasa - [Summons his Grass scythe. This scythe when hit hard on a target, grassy roots grows from the weapon's grip, holding and slowing down the target, making an opening for him to hit them over and over.] Dazzzzz! Come to me! I'm alive just to kill you! [Unexpectedly Dazz shows up early]

Dazz - You shout pretty loud.

Yavasa - And you sound like a coward this time. Hope you remember me?

Dazz - Your name only, I thought I digested you along with your friends.

Yavasa - Well, it's my turn to digest you now.[They start their duel]

Narkolshi - [Her weapon is 1 coconut branch with 4 coconuts in them. 2 for blight attacks and 2 for creating shields. She breaks through Category 1 Clone type golems pretty fast.] These are too weak, mahodaya, should I leave these to Sumon and join Yavasa?

Banshantari - No, Sumon already got stronger company. Do what you are doing. {Yavasa is too weak to deal with Dazz alone, although he has rage by his side but still. Dazz maybe is a very weak category 3 but he is still a Category 3 golem, while Yavasa is cat 2, high level. I cannot overlook the difference in category. .....But wait... if by any chance he manages to kill or even corner Dazz then he will soon get a promotion, I'll wait and watch for now.... the moment he gets one sided I'll send Quntalu to aid him at once. For now I'll let Quntalu deal with the strong Category 2s.} How are things on your side Sumon?

Sumon - Things are getting tough here. I might require some aid here soon.

Banshantari - Alright, Sumon and Narkolshi team up at the southern corner and deal with the low level clones.

Sumon and Narkolshi - Roger!

[After just a minute Yavasa got one sided earlier than expected. It was at this moment when Dazz manages to break Yavasa's scythe to pieces.]

Banshantari - {Nope, it seems he is still far from the promotion} Quntalu, do you copy?

Quntalu - I copy mahoday.

Banshantari - Take care of the cat for me will you?

Quntalu - Al-fucking-right! The kittens all mine! Coming for you Dazz! baahhhh.....

[Just when Dazz was about to stomp at Yavasa, Quntalu threw his weapon and smashed him against the wall, it broke and they fell down from behind the building]

Dazz - Who in the hell are you?

Quntalu - Quntalu is my name, my junior Yavasa here complained that you killed 3 more of my juniors. Is that true?

Dazz - ohh yess.. me and my boss Fazz enjoyed feasting on them!

Quntalu - Then feast on my canes now! Culm Overgrowth!

[Bamboo overgrows from his culms, which grows even more bamboos. But Dazz was pretty strong too, his ability was that of glasses, he cut through them with ease.]

Quntalu - Looks like I'll have to go all out then. Category 3.....HABITAT DEPLOY....

[Dazz got worried now but found the courage to fight on. He charged up all his glasses and punched him behind the wall]

Quntalu - That was strong huh.... my turn! BAMBOO STEM ENCASING!

[Dazz got encased inside a huge bamboo stem]

Quntalu - Overlapped Qunt Growths! [Bamboo sticks grew from under the huge stem where Dazz was trapped, they went through Dazz, ripping him apart. He fell to the ground grasping for breath.] You killed 3 of my juniors. I brought them justice.

Dazz - hahh..... I guess this is the end for me. My boss is at the top of the building, he will kill you all and avenge me.

Quntalu - Don't worry. I brought my Moderator this time, although let's hope she is not required to come after I absorb you. Cuz I can't wait for my promotion!

Dazz - [His face tensed up] This is cheating! You can't play unfair!

Quntalu - You should have thought that when you teamed up on us and my juniors earlier. ....Just die already filthy dirt! [Storms a bamboo down on his face]

Banshantari - Good jo-...[They were just about to team up on Fazz when a high level category 2 golem appears from under the ground near Sumon. Banshantari didn't even get the time to instruct Quntalu to get there when the golem already caught hold of Sumon. It grabbed Sumon with its rocky hand, crushed his body, blood splattered over in its face and it ate him... Sumon died....] Quntalu....I want you to destroy this heap right fucking now.

Quntalu - On my damn way!

[Narkolshi was horrified by the sight of Sumon, she fell there on the ground trembling. Just when the golem was about to grab her, Yavasa threw his broken scythe from above and broke off its rocky arm. Then Quntalu stormed into the scene and ripped off its head with his bamboos.]

Banshantari - This will not go in vain, I swear to god we will end Fazz today. Don't waste a single second! Find him at all cost! Quntalu! Bring me his head and I will grant your promotion myself!

Quntalu - I came for that! {She will finally see me as a man!}[He threw his weapon straight at the top of the building and warped there. Fazz still hadn't showed up.] Where are you hiding now...you know I can't wait all day, I'll be destroying the whole building if you keep me waiting.

[The ground under him shattered, Quntalu fell to the floor under the roof, there a dog appeared,.....it transformed into a golem.]

Quntalu - Ahh finally! There you are! What's up with the pointy tail?

Fazz - ya well I decided to change my get up a little.

Quntalu - Doesn't suit you quite well, but anyways.....it won't matter in a few minutes.[He charges his bamboos right at his head, Fazz blocks them with his huge rusty metallic hands. Quntalu plants a bamboo bomb in Fazz's hand, the hand breaks apart. Fazz throws his hand at Quntalu, unable to evade, gets hit.]

Fazz - Now now... don't get ahead of yourself. You still have things to learn.

Quntalu - Nah, I'm leaving this building today with my promotion, cuz I'm going to kill you now!

Fazz - I could say the same for you! [Fazz gets a bit angry and throws metallic rods at him, Quntalu manages to evade some but gets hit anyways.] How's that..... hahahahaha....

Quntalu - [Gets very angry.] HABITAT DEPLOY... BAMBOO STEM ENCASING. 100% INTEGRITY dEpLoY! [A huge bamboo cane captured Fazz inside] Now! 10 OVERLAPPED QUNT GROWTHS DePloY!

Fazz - [Smiles] Nice try. My turn. PLATEAU EMPLACEMENT. COPPER ROD RAIN.... DEPLOY.....SHOCK! [Copper rods start raining, charged with very high electricity, whoever touches them gets electrified. Quntalu with his speed manages to evade at the start but ends up getting hit, slowing him down and getting further electrocuted. Quntalu is brought to his knees.] How is it? Now then..... you were wondering about my tail right? Let me absorb you with it. hahaha.....

Quntalu - hahaha..... you think I'm that stupid to have come here alone against YOU? hahaha.....

Fazz - [Confused] uhh..I dunno.....Let me at least get rid of you first....[Just when he was about to puncture him with his copper tail, someone at flash speed cuts it off and pushes him aside] Who is it!?

Banshantari - [Chuckles] Are you okay bhai?

Quntalu - [Very injured]Yes didi, as good as new.... just a little....exhausted....

Banshantari - Good. Arey! Fazz! Remember me I hope?

Fazz - I do, and I want to forget you! [He regenerated his tail and charged it at her. She summoned her first weapon and sliced it off again. Fazz got surprised.] What is that weapon!? It doesn't look hard at all!! But it cuts through my metals like they are wooden pulps! Does it have a name?!?

Banshantari - For now I call this blade Banshchad, it means dry bamboo leaves, mostly because bamboo leaves are soft but they are sharp!

Fazz - Interesting! But even his(Quntalu's) abilities are bamboo based, what's the connection?

Banshantari - Well, we are both from the North Western Bamboo Village. Bamboos are our livelihood. We are very close to them.

Fazz - ahh very interesting. Correct me if I am wrong but I heard there is another person from there who uses bamboo abilities too?

Banshantari - Are you talking about a Category 4 officer?

Fazz - uhmm... has to be yes....

Banshantari - He is even above me, he uses bamboo spines, it's an extremely painful ability.

Fazz - Tell me more.

Banshantari - hmm.... The spines are pointier than needles and if scrubbed, they are sharper than most knives, he is a very ruthless and maniacal officer. You are lucky I did not inform him about you.

Fazz - [Got scared.] hmm.....Lucky indeed, but.... you won't be there to inform him! [Throws at her copper heaps.]

[Banshantari Summons her 2nd weapon. A Bamboo instrument. It produces amplified sounds if blown from 1 side using particulite. Just like a mega single holed flute. It destroyed the copper rods that Fazz threw.]

Fazz - Now did you name this weapon too. [Banshantari , angered, answers by screaming a 'no' at his head. The wave threw him behind the wall, almost shattered his head.] hmm..... Time to get serious! PLATEAU EMPLACEMENT. FINAL FORM. COPPER THUNDER CLOUD FORMATION DePlOY!

Banshantari - Times up.....HABITAT EMPLACEMENT, 4TH ABILITY, BAMBOO SONAR , DEPLOY! [The copper cloud gets displaced by sound waves, rendering the thunder strike useless. Fazz pushes back]


Banshantari - Now! FINAL FORM BAMBOO LEAF BLADE RAIN, 70% INTEGRITY REVOLUTION![Sharp bamboo leaf like blades revolving around Fazz, shredding him severely]

Fazz - I haven't given up yet! THUNDER CLOUD, REDEPLOY HIGH VOLTAGE aaaahhhhhhh......

Banshantari - BAMBOO SPINE ENCASING, SELF![The Bamboo spine protected her from the electricity.] LEAF BLADES go faster aaaaahhhhhhh.....[This time it shred Fazz to pieces. Ending the battle. She fell to the ground, exhausted, and the copper rods fell too.] Any last words....dog?

Fazz - I have no regrets eating your comrades.... I'll do the same in my ne-...[Banshantari blew her bamboo wave at his nose, making a hole through its head]

Banshantari - No, you'll be a dog in your next life.....Mission accomplished...for now....

[A few days later]

[In Banshantari's office.]

Quntalu - So when am I getting my promotion?

Banshantari - Let's see.....when you solo kill a high level Plateau Class golem.

Quntalu - hahaha.....Next year then..... how are the rest doing?

Banshantari - Yavasa's planning to ask out Narkolshi soon.... that's the rumor.....

Quntalu - Good for them. But I feel bad for Sumon's family. He was a good guy.

Banshantari - Indeed. Let's make haste in avenge him by finding every criminal golem out there!

Quntalu - Right! But before that, what's the punchline of this tale?

Banshantari - Metals are conductors, insulators can be wood.

Quntalu - Ranks are a factor, if ignored, you will be food!