Chapter 5: history of the erotic god system

Chapter 5: history of the erotic god system

Then the light screen with a message in front of Mohini changed to some sort of black screen that displays video.

It is similar to an ultra thin L.C.D screen of the modern world.

There was once a god who has reached the highest level of this entire world of all the realms.

He became so powerful that he can get out of this world.

But at the final tribulation to reach the next level of cultivation and cross the world he was dead.

The reason for his death is his regret that he never has any form of enjoyment in his entire life.

He wanted to have some people he loved he wanted to enjoy the pleasures of lust.

But he was so caught up in the cultivation that he never had any of these enjoyments in his life.

So these heart demons created a vulnerability which caused his catastrophic failure of ascending to the next level and go to the next world.

At those final moments of death he casted the forbidden technique to get a chance to make a wish with the supreme will of this world that has created all the worlds.

The powerful cultivator used the forbidden technique at the end of his life where his soul was about to perish.

At this moment everything around him including the heavenly tribulation also stopped as if the time has stopped moving.

Suddenly a bright light covered the entire area covering the cultivator completely and a beautiful woman wearing crimson colored clothes appeared out of nowhere.

This technique consumes his life, his cultivation and everything he has.

At that moment he saw a beautiful lady that clad in mysterious crimson clothes.

She was so beautiful that no man in the world can resist her beauty.

At this moment everything around him and her became white.

"My name is Scarlet.

You tell me your wish and I will fulfill it based on the payment that you made the merit points obtained for the payment."

The women in crimson said.

"I...I want to make you my women."

The cultivator said with fluctuating voice

He was deeply shocked by the beauty in front of him.

The reason for his failure to ascend to the next world is because of these lustful thoughts in his mind.

So, he was completely stunned seeing that there is such a beautiful woman in this world.

"Hehe…you think you are eligible to make me your women.

This dream of yours is like a frog wanting to grease its hot dick with the little hole of the swan.

I am the ruler of this world.

I am the one with the will, which can control all the movements of the world.

Being the ruler of this world,

I have spent countless years developing this world.

Even the people of my creation world are not eligible to even to speak to me.

Who do you think you are?

You are just a lowly god cultivator of this mortal realm and you say that you want to take me as your woman."

The cultivator made a clever thought and wanted to find a way to get the women in front of him, as his own.

"But you have to at least fulfill my wish as per the forbidden technique right based on rule of the higher will."

The cultivator spoke cleverly.

At least that is what he thought he said.

"Ok, at least I will fulfill the will of the fate.

According the ancient rule those that use the forbidden technique are given a chance to get one wish based on the amount of merit points that they possesses."

Scarlet said with an arrogant voice.

Then she made some sort of rune circle in the air as if she was connecting the supreme will.

Then the man said.

"Then give me something that can let me grow endlessly, that can reach the highest level which can even rival the supreme will of fate."

At this moment the women named scarlet vanished into thin air.

It is as if she was sent away by someone.

At this moment a divine light came out of the strange rune circle.

The women named scarlet was sent back to her room in the creation world and there is a voice in her head.

It is the voice of a woman that can capture any person's heart with just her voice itself.

"You don't have to listen to that idiot, using this idiot's wish I will find a good one for us and we can be sisters in the future,


Scarlet was startled a little but soon she realized that the one that spoke to her is some sort of powerful person this is none other than lady fate.

Sweat beads formed on her forehead.

But after few minutes there is a sweet smile on her face and there is a faint pink glow on her cheeks.

From the divine light a very soft, seductive and a very distinctive beautiful voice can be heard by the cultivator.

"You have made a very bold statement that your power should rival my own power.

But unfortunately your merit points are not sufficient."

"Of course you don't have to worry because you still have a chance that is if you are willing to accept my conditions."

The voice said in a playful tone.

"This lowly cultivator pays respects to the all powerful supreme will.

Please forgive this lowly cultivator's words,

Please enlighten me of the conditions that are to be met to get the chance to be as strong as you."

The cultivator said with a respectful and fearful tone.


The rules are simple actually."

The beautiful voice said and an amethyst charm appeared in the air that is filled with countless number of runes and inscriptions on it.

"This is a system I have prepared for the wish you have just made.

If you follow the instructions of the system you can reach the..."


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