Chapter 6: the rules to get the system

Chapter 6: the rules to get the system

"This is a system I have prepared for the wish you have just made.

If you follow the instructions of the system you can reach the highest level that rivals my own power."

The voice said in a silky voice.

"Then please bestow that system on me, this lowly cultivator is forever in debt to the great supreme will of the heavens."

The cultivator said in an anxious and expecting voice.

"Well I can give this to you but you have to fulfill some conditions,

Have to go through some trails,

Also there are some things that you have to follow to get the wish you wanted,

That is to get your hands on this system."

The alluring voice said.

"Please enlighten me lady supreme will.

I will do anything and follow all the conditions you set to get that system."

The cultivator said with a serious and confidence tone.

"Well it is simple I will split this charm into two pieces,

One piece will be with you and the other piece will be in a secret place.

The map to that secret place will be available in the piece that is available with you.

You have to pass all the tests on your own to reach the location of the second piece.

All the riddles in that secret place must be solved by you.

This is the first condition.

The second condition is that you will lose your life now and you have to restart all of your cultivation again from the scratches.

Don't worry you will have all of your memories of this life and the piece of charm with you after you reborn again.

But the half jade charm will appear in your hands only once after every rebirth and you can reborn however many times as you want but that should be in your own family and only on one planet.

If you lose the piece of charm and if someone else used their blood to become its owner then you will lose your chance completely.

Your chance will become someone else's opportunity.

This is the second condition.

The third condition is you have to have sex with at least 10,000 people that may be of any race or gender in order to activate the complete charm after you find the second piece.

You don't need to specifically have sex with 10,000 people after you got your hands on the second piece,

You can complete this task at any time before or after.

But you have to complete it, if not you won't be able to use this charm even if you had both of the pieces of the charm.

The piece in your hands will record all of this so you cannot cheat.

You don't have to find 10,000 people but you can have sex 10,000 times with the same person or people.

You don't even bother to see the gender.

One intercourse of sex can be considered as one time having sex.

That is if both of you shot out your stuff that is yours and theirs cum is called one intercourse.

This is the third rule.

The fourth rule is you should not tell about the secret of the charm to any of your descendents or family members.

Since you hold the memories you can directly get them to listen to you on your own.

This is the fourth rule.

The fifth rule is you cannot change your family or the initial planet you chose now after being reborn.

From then on all of these things will be your default or base setting.

So, you have to choose the planet and family that you want to born on carefully before this reincarnation starts.

If your family doesn't exist or the planet that you belong to is gone that is destroyed,

You will be able to travel back in time to a specific point once.

This is a special grace offer for you just in case of some accidents.

But if you died again you will lose the chance to move on forever and the next person that obtains your piece will take your place.

This is the fifth rule.

The sixth rule is that if you die after obtained the special system from charm you will have to start all over from square one.

Also if you die and others that got your opportunity of this charm also died.

You will die forever and that other person will start from square one with this charm.

They will then be able to witness all the things that happened here, also your entire life and can continue their trails.

They will get all the perks that you got.

This is sixth rule.

The seventh rule is if it is a first time for a new person other than you they will go back in time once if they do not have any family at all.

After that this new person has to find all the next secret location of the second piece to get this system.

This is because the location of the second piece and all the riddles in the trail for the second piece will change after every time you found it and died without completing the mission.

This is so that you or anyone cannot prepare for this beforehand.

This is the seventh rule.

The eighth rule is if the new person that obtained your piece died after returning back in time he or she will lose the chance to continue and the mission continuous to the next person that obtains the half charm.

But if that person was an orphan he or she can get a chance to choose a family and a planet as their default starting point.

As for choosing the family this specific family must adopt the person as their own in the special procedures or any kind of cultural procedures.

Only then this can work.

Then every time they died they will be reborn in to that very family as a descendent…"


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