Chapter 20: sneaking into the warden’s office part-1

Chapter 20: sneaking into the warden's office part-1

Then put these people as criminals for lot of cases by creating fake evidences.

This way she can get her revenge and all the things including interest that she has gone through previously.

In order to do this she immediately decided to use her three new abilities.

First she wanted to steal her mobile phone from warden Mandara's purse,

Second find their plot to capture her.

Mohini is not an idiot she know that the low level abilities will have restrictions.

So she wanted to know them first before that warden Mandara's son Gaja arrives and takes her mobile phone.

Mohini went to the area where she could see her reflection and started to think about the three abilities.

Immediately some information appeared in her mind regarding the three abilities.

The information that she for is the usage, restrictions and the cost of usage of these three abilities.

Other than that she also got the information regarding the way to upgrade these three abilities.

First is the detection radar ability.

With this being at level 0 Mohini can sense all the things that are happening in the surroundings.

That is she can see the things that are happening around her within the radius of one meter even if her eyes are closed or she was placed in a container.

After she upgrades this ability further she will be able to have other senses too like smell, hear, taste, and touch.

If she was able to upgrade this ability even further then she will be able to know even more details with extreme clarity.

With her current cultivation level at level 20 she will only be able to use this ability for only 20 seconds continuously with her current spirit power reserve.

If she wanted to use this ability again she has to wait for 20 minutes to recharge her used spirit power.

Then she moved on to the second ability that is shape shifting.

With this ability Mohini can turn herself into anything that she wanted to.

Other than that if this ability is upgraded to higher levels then she can turn other into anything that she wanted.

She can also switch her gender or any part of her body and do the same to other beings too.

But with her current level of the ability at level 0 and her cultivation level at level 20 she can only transform into something that is as big as her for 20 seconds.

This means she can transform into a chair, table or something a little bigger for 20 seconds.

After that she will revert back to her original self.

Also she cannot transform into any living being because of her low level of the ability.

After 20 seconds of transforming she has to wait for 20 minutes to recharge her used up spirit power.

This is similar to the detection radar power.

Then she moved on to the third ability that is invisibility camouflage ability.

Using this Mohini can turn invisible and hide in plain sight.

Other than that she can even hide from the spirit sense from the higher level beings.

She can also hide her own cultivation and even stay hidden from the eyes of all the people.

She can hide others too when her invisibility ability level rose further.

But similar to other abilities she can stay hidden for 20 seconds and required 20 minutes to recharge her used spirit energy.

Other than that with her invisibility camouflage ability being only at level 0 she can turn invisible,

But she cannot make her clothes turn invisible.

So she has to take of all her clothes including her under wear to do become really invisible.

The only thing that will be invisible with Mohini is the clit ring on her clitoris that is given by lady fate.

Other than that Mohini should not wear any clothes because she will be invisible and clothes will be still present.

If anyone sees her they might think that she is an alien or a ghost or even hit her with stones.

So she wanted to avoid it.

There is also another chance that is the scientists might capture her to do experiments on her.

Other than that Mohini cannot use all the abilities at the same time with her level 20 beginner mortal level cultivation.

Mohini can only use all the three abilities one at a time for only a total of 20 seconds.

So she has to use this time very wisely without making a single mistake only then can she complete the task that she wanted to complete.

Mohini was a little helpless because she doesn't know how to use these three skills within the time of 20 seconds.

All the orphans that have just arrived are moving all over the place,

So Mohini cannot find a place to remove her dress and move.

Even the bathrooms are not free for her use.

So Mohini don't know what to do.

There is only one option that is she has to lure that warden Mandara out of her room somehow.

Then Mohini has to sneak into the warden's office.

But the other problem is that this warden Mandara is a lazy pig that won't move from the office even to do her own work.

For this very reason she was all plump with an average figure and her age is around 40 years of age.

There is less than one hour for Mohini to plan her way in.

So she started to think of various ways to solve the current problem.

She finally found a solution.

There are 2 windows to the warden's office other than the entrance.

At one side there is a bed for the warden to sleep for their night shifts.

Other than that the main work table of the warden is closed on three sides and on one side it is open where warden can place her legs, while sitting on the chair.

The entire table is covered by a cloth.


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