Chapter 21: sneaking into the warden’s office part-2

Chapter 21: sneaking into the warden's office part-2

The entire table is covered by a cloth.

So Mohini's plan is to sneak under that table to hear the plan of warden Mandara and her son Gaja.

Other than that the purse of warden Mandara is on the table.

Mohini can directly get her phone and also listen to their plan killing two birds with one stone.

Behind the warden's office room there is a small passage way that Mohini can walk through.

Through this way Mohini ran to the road side of the warden's office and then stood on a blind spot.



From the blind spot Mohini through a rock to hit the glass window on the road side.

As soon as she through the rock Mohini, she ran towards the small passage way and ran around the warden's office.

Then she waited for warden Mandara to go out and check who broke her window glass.

Mohini was right beside the wall waiting for the warden to go out of the warden's office.

At this moment she suddenly heard a scream.

The one that is screaming is none other than the warden Mandara.

This is because the stone that Mohini threw has actually sent a piece of broken window glass towards warden Mandara.

This window glass has actually passed by warden Mandara's face.

This scared her very much.

So she started to scream then she stood up and hid behind the table.

This is because she thought that they will throw few more rocks at her.

There is no watchman for this orphanage currently.

This is because the old watchman has retired and the government did not appoint any new watchman to the orphanage yet.

Also the orphans in the main hall did not come out or even look even after hearing the screams of warden Mandara.

This is because none of them has any good impression on her.

Other than that warden Mandara took the smart phone of Mohini unjustly for her own greed.

So they are angry over her.

For this very reason none of them responded to her screams at all.

Other than that there is a rumor that this warden Mandara has a secret affair with her own son.

She even had sex with her own son in the warden's office.

Some of them came to check on her when she moaned previously.

They thought that she is screaming.

But all of them were severely punished by warden Mandara for discovering her secret.

Most of the witnessing orphans are transferred to more strict orphanages by warden Mandara.

So all the other orphans made a point that is a silent rule that they will not go to warden's office even if they heard any screams of warden Mandara.

This has worked in Mohini's favor so none of them saw that Mohini is lurking silently beside the entrance of the warden's office.

Also since there is no watchman near the entrance of the orphanage there is practically anyone that can see what Mohini is doing.

After few moments warden Mandara finally calmed down.

All the shame and fear made her angry so she came out of the warden's office in a domineering way to look at the person that threw the rock on the window of the warden's office.

Taking the opportunity Mohini sneaked into warden's office.

The first thing she did is to take the purse of warden Mandara from the table.

Then she took the contents out of her purse.

In the purse other than Mohini's phone there are also some of the woman's things,

There is warden Mandara's phone and there is also a stack of 100 dollar bills.

Mohini did not count and directly took the money and her phone.

Then zipped the purse and placed it back on the table.

After that she went into the open space under the table to hide in.

Since Mohini is only 18 years old and a little on the lean side so she was able to safely hide in the crammed space.

In the mean time warden Mandara came back to the warden's office.

She was in a little frustrated mood so she started stomping on the floor and kicking the office table where Mohini's is hiding.

Since the place is crammed the foot rest and some of the supporting wood beams of the table are in close contact to Mohini's sensitive areas,

Like her little pussy and a protruded wooden stick is closely pressing against her ass hole.

With every kick of warden Mandara on the table made the table rock and at the same time the wooden pieces started to press harder and rub against Mohini's very sensitive parts.

Just before an hour Mohini has many orgasms and because of the ring on her clitoris she was twice as sensitive as before.

Because of all these things Mohini sensitivity has reached the peak.

Even the slightest touch can make her cum and had another orgasm.

So when the table just rocked and her sensitive parts are penetrated made her almost had an orgasm.

At the same time she is trying her best to close her mouth so as not to moan out loud.

After few minutes warden Mandara finally stopped kicking the wooden table and directly sat on the chair.

But unfortunately for Mohini when warden Mandara stretched her legs the pointed heel of her shoe directly went into Mohini's little pussy.

This sudden penetration even though it is slight it made Mohini has an orgasm.

But warden Mandara is too frustrated to even think about what her leg just touched.

Warden Mandara thought that she has touched the stretched end of the table cloth that is on the foot rest of the table.



Warden Mandara finally removed her leg and went out as soon as she heard a bike sound.

Mohini on the other hand has nearly 3 orgasms in these few minutes.

Fortunately she don't have to fear of getting infected or other diseases from the foot job that she got form the dirty shoes of Mandara...…


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