Chapter 28: King of fate

Chapter 28: King of fate

Other than that he also asked some lewd questions with double meanings.

But Mohini answered innocently to all of police inspector's questions.

After that the police officers searched entire orphanage and the surrounding area for clues.

But they found no clues but they found the box of the smart phone.

Mohini took it out previously from her clit ring and placed it under her pillow.

They also searched the warden's office.

There is a locker in the warden's office where the warden usually stores the confiscated things and some important files.

Warden Mandara said that she placed the key in her purse.

So the person has stolen Mohini's smart phone from the locker.

This is to save herself from the suspicion that she wanted to steal Mohini's smart phone.

Unfortunately she did not get the phone for her son.

After some investigation the police left.

Warden Mandara and Gaja also left along with the police to the warden's office.

After that Gaja left from the orphanage.

Mohini finished her lunch and went back to her sleeping place.

She did not take a medicine because her fever is now completely gone.

She snuggled into the rug covering her completely so that no one can see what she is doing under the rug.

Others did not disturb her as they thought she was sick and is now resting.

All the other orphans are busy with their studies for the final exams as it is end of the academic year for educational institutions.

Mohini's rug is dark in color so even if she took out her smart phone they won't be able to see its light.

She wanted to see the two things that lady fate gave her that is the two new apps in the smart phone.

First is the fate's chat group app that lady fate personally came to Mohini to give her an access point.

Mohini silently opened the smart phone and opened the application of fate game's chat group.

In the application it looked like a chat forum that people normally use.

Before Mohini has a chance to see the chat history in the application it gave a notification


"Player please set a name of yours in the system for the forum.

The name you give will become the display name of the forum"

"What kind of forum is this?"

Mohini thought to herself.

"Well whatever I will just write a name in it.

Lady fate said that I am currently her bitch and she said that I have to work hard to make her my bitch.

Then this name should be correct for the chat group that she created hehe."

Mohini thought this and started to type a name

"King of Fate"

"It should be enough I think"

Mohini giggled inside

Since Mohini hated being toyed.

As a woman she has developed a strong sense of lust towards women and hate being with men.

So she named herself as a man saying that she is the king of fate.

Other than that her masculine nature is aroused by the words of lady fate.

So she directly put the name king of fate in the name of the forum created by lady fate.


"User please confirm the name 'king of fate' as the main display name"

Mohini directly confirmed the king of fate name as the main display name without a second thought.

Then the forum page opened showing the recent chat list and the entire chat history.

There is also some sort of special game in this chat group along with many functions.

Mohini wanted to see what is this chat group is about first so she opened the chat screen to see.

Mohini started to read the chats logs,

Lord Yama raja: I have finally got some free time to come here.

Hey Indra are you there I want to talk to you.

Lord Indra: I am here.

You have worked quite hard all these days.

Tell me what you want to talk.

Lord Yama raja: what the hell are you doing up there,

Standing there in the heavens being the king of the deities you should at least keep the thing together.

Why are you letting so many people die when their time of death isn't arrived at?

Do you purposefully want to increase my work?

Do you want me to complain to Lord Brahma and my father Lord Surya about you?

Sage Vasista: lord Yama raja you should not blame lord Indra in this matter.

He cannot do anything about this.

You should know better than any one based on the laws of the world under the time of kali Yuga,

We are not allowed to set foot in the mortal world, unless there are some critical circumstances.

Lord Yama raja: well you are right about that Sage Vasista.

I wonder what the other gods of death of other cultures are doing.

Well I could guess, they should be suffering the same fate as me.


Lord Saturn: well to tell you the truth,

It has been a heavy work processing all the details of the dead people even with the super computers we possess.

Well what can we do, this is our assigned job by destiny.


Lord Grim Reaper: they are making me work to the bones, even though I am only bones to begin with.


Lord Osiris: sigh…

Goddess Hel: sigh…


"What the hell is this are they really gods in this chat group.

That means that lady fate gave me access to the chat group where gods and all the beings that are on the same level as these gods."

"There are gods from many mythologies in this group.

That is quite strange."

"Let me see the list of people in this chat group."

God Zeus, titan god Cronus, god Tiandi, demon goddess Nuwa, god Kami, god Shiva, god Allah, god the father, god the holy spirit…

"What the hell these are the gods, demon gods and Principal spirits of all of the mythologies....."


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