Chapter 29: tutorial part-1

Chapter 29: tutorial part-1

"What the hell these are the gods, demon gods and Principal spirits of all of the mythologies."

"Since I can access this group that means I am now having a secret access out of the system hehe.

This is really one hell of a gift that lady fate gave me."

"The people in the lower level are immortals, kings and emperors.

There are also spirits and other beings."

"Well I will see their chats later first I have to see this advantage that lady fate spoke off."

As Mohini is thinking about the various things of the chat group the app gave Mohini a notification.

"Does the user want to have a tutorial of the app?"

Mohini was shocked to see that there is tutorial for this app too.

This changed the views of Mohini towards this app.

She immediately accepted the tutorial of the app.

Mohini has also understood that this app is more than just a chat forum.

Immediately the system gave some strange checks


"Checking user's physical capabilities"


"Checking user's mental capabilities"


"Checking user's spiritual capabilities"


After that the app system gave the confirmation notification again.

"Does the user wishes to enter the complete tutorial of the app?"

Mohini selected "enter tutorial" option.

As soon as Mohini clicked enter the game option a notification is displayed on the screen.

"Every new user has a choice to go through the tutorial to understand the app.

After the tutorial the user can get the starters pack based on the performance of the user in the tutorial.

Do you want to enter the tutorial now?

Select "yes" to enter the tutorial

Select "no" to wait for some time.

"What is there to wait it is just a tutorial."

Thinking of that Mohini clicked 'yes' option.

But before clicking yes she saw that the time is exactly 10 P.M in the night.

"User will now be sent to the tutorial site for complete story tutorial."

Then there is some strange light emitted from the smart phone.

Mohini closed her eyes due to bright light.

At the same time she went into some sort of trance.

The blinding white light came out of the smart phone,

It swallowed Mohini completely then both Mohini and the smart phone vanished into thin air.

Since it is night all the orphans slept according to the rules of the orphanage.

Mohini's usual sleeping spot is near the door and is also a blind spot.

Usually no one can really check on her to see if she is there or not.

Even though Mohini vanished for the orphanage unexpectedly there is no problem for her vanishing being discovered by other.

After a few minutes Mohini woke up.

When she opened her eyes again she was in a strange place that is similar to a cave.

She looked around while rubbing his eyes.

She looked around there are strange dim luminous wall of the cave around him there are pieces of rocks and bolders round her.

She looked around while rubbing her eyes.

She looked around her there are strange dim luminous wall of the cave around her there are pieces of rocks and bolders round her.

Mohini rubbed her eyes again and looked around only to see that she was in a strange shining cave where there is only her and no one around her.

She then looked at the ground to find her phone under her feet.

"What in the fucking hell is happening here?"

"Oh! Shit! My new smart phone"

"Where exactly am I?"

Mohini quickly bent down to pick up the smart phone.

When she picked up the phone she was surprised to find that there are no scratches on the screen or anywhere.

For that matter it seems like there is no dust on the phone at all even though he just picked it up from the dusty floor.

This shocked Mohini a little, but she was not in the mood to think about these small things.

"Well at least my new smart phone is ok."

"How did I get here?

Is it some kind of magic or someone playing a sick joke on me?"

On the phone screen there is some notification,

But Mohini was too occupied with the surroundings to notice anything on the phone screen.

Mohini just turned the back light of the phone off and started to look around to get a better understanding of where she is.

But just when she wanted to look at her surroundings her phone started to vibrate in a frenzy manner, which gained Mohini's attention.

So she picked out the phone from her pocket.

"I think my new phone is messed up now, shit"

"Why is all this nonsense happening on my birthday?"

At this moment Mohini saw message on the screen.

"User King of Fate has successfully entered the app tutorial.

Please read to the instructions of the app tutorial before going further into the cave."

The word "cave" has gained Mohini's attention because she is really in the cave right now.

This new discovery has shaken Mohini to the core.

Mohini was a kind of person with very sharp instincts which has saved her many times in the past when she was in a sticky situation.

This is the reason why she was hardly caught by those good for nothing bullies.

As Mohini was currently in a strange place and a strange situation she became vigilant of her surroundings.

So every minute thing that is happens around her would be clearly known to her.

As soon as she saw the word 'cave' in the message on the smart phone she came to a speculation that her current situation has something to do with the app tutorial that she just opened.

Immediately Mohini looked at the instructions that are displayed on the screen.

"Dear user this app has a special feature that is a game called "the game of fate".

The details will be explained as the user goes through the tutorial of the app…."


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