Chapter 30: tutorial part-2

Chapter 30: tutorial part-2

"Dear user this app has a special feature that is a game called "the game of fate".

The details will be explained as the user goes through the tutorial of the app."

It started with some sort of back story of the app displaying on the phone screen.

But suddenly the phone vanished into Mohini's hand and a flying light screen display appeared in front of Mohini.

This universe is very large with many worlds and realms in it.

So in order to make the universe run smoothly lady fate created some special zones called hunting areas later they are named as dungeon zones.

In these dungeon zones savage beasts are formed from the chaotic energy of the space outside the world.

When the users kill these savage beasts, these energies will fill the world in the form of spirit energy.

This energy is used for cultivation of users and for the world to move forward.

Sometimes there will be mines formed out of spirit energy too with various grades in the world.

Every dungeon is divided into various levels, grades and tiers.

In the mortal world they are divided into 10 tiers and each tier is further divided into low grade, medium grade, high grade and extreme grade.

The dungeon can have various terrines be like a cave, a forest, a maze…"

When the word forest is displayed on the screen, the cave around Mohini has vanished completely and replaced with a lush green forest.

When the word maze is displayed, everything that represents the forest vanished and replaced with a maze like corridors with thick walls.

Similarly Mohini has witnessed various scenarios.

Then the system continued explaining.

"There are various kinds of savage beasts some look like the beings of the races that live in the world with similar intelligence.

User can identify them with the help of the game system of the special feature called the game of fate and make sure that they are killed.

User does not have to feel sympathy towards the savage beasts because except for the primal instincts and battle instincts these beasts don't have any other emotions.

Killing these beasts gives some benefits for the user like receiving merit points, materials beast crystals, and many other things.

There is a possibility that user can die in the dungeon so please make sure that you have prepared well if not only death awaits you.

Some dungeons will have other people that are trying to clear it so please make sure that you are careful when you face them because there is no law in the dungeon.

So they can kill you for the things you obtained in the dungeon.

The dungeon can be long and can take hours or even days to complete but the user doesn't need to worry about the time you spend in the dungeon.

1 hour in the dungeon is equal to 1 minute in the normal world.

Every dungeon has a dungeon core that has high amounts of the spirit energy.

It will always be inside the monster in the boss room of the dungeon.

After the boss of the dungeon is defeated by you, you can get the dungeon core.

Every time you kill a savage beast all the loot can be stored in your treasure chest.

That is the access point that the user possess.

You can access the treasure chest from the smart phone or directly using the spirit sense and connect into the treasure chest through the access point."

The tutorial screen gave some explanation.

"I already know about these dungeons.

So I don't have to worry.

I have participated in many dungeon rides with the sect's teams previously."

Mohini thought these things.

But in the next moment the app tutorial gave a new notification explaining the details.

"The dungeons that are available in the game of the app are specially made by the will of the world for the fate's chat group.

This is under the will of lady fate.

These dungeons can only be accessed in two ways one is by the access point given by lady fate and the other way is by entering the dungeon by luck.

The entire mortal world has 41 dungeons where each of the every tier has 4 dungeons that are a tier 1 dungeon has low grade, medium grade, high grade and extreme grade dungeons.

The ten tiers of the mortal world have a total of 40 dungeons.

While the 41st dungeon is a very special dungeon called the realm gap dungeon that has the savage beasts of the mortal realm chaotic space.

So these dungeons are completely separate from the normal dungeons that other cultivators of the mortal realm use.

These dungeons are core of the respective realms.

Usually the low level gods or their descendents will come to these realm core dungeons to clear them once in a while.

This is so that the savage beasts would not over flow out of these dungeons into the real world.

The items that you obtained in the dungeon can be used in the real world.

As long as you did not cause any major change to the flow of the world you can use any item that you obtained from the dungeon.

In the high level dungeons you might encounter gods and demons of various races and cultures.

For this tutorial dungeon you will face some normal tests to assess your capabilities and other things to completely build assessment of the user character that is mind, body and soul of the user.

Best of luck user "King of Fate" you can ask the dungeon system for the things you did not understand or you can ask the things from the people in the forum for guidance."

The tutorial gave the full instructions to Mohini and she moved forward.

After taking few steps the game system sent some instructions along the way.

"A dungeon can have many levels where after crossing each level the level and strength of monsters increase....."


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