Chapter 31: tutorial part-3

author's words: new novels

Harry Potter World with a Simulation Choice System

Apocalypse Bitch System


Chapter 31: tutorial part-3

"A dungeon can have many levels where after crossing each level the level and strength of monsters increase.

The user can see her details in the self status screen after the tutorial assessment of the game system is complete.

There are special abilities like appraisal and map are given to the user while the tutorial is going on.

Instruction: open the map with your thought.

User has to think of map screen and user can open the map screen."

Mohini did as the system instructed and thought of a map immediately a light screen opened in front of Mohini.

It showed some passage way that is similar to that of the underground cave.

It is the map of the area that she just walked and the area in front of her is the visible range.

Other than that everything in the map is completely dark.

This is like a map screen that shows the area that is already discovered or reveled and the rest of the area on the map remains dark.

This means that area is yet to be explored be the user.

Mohini did not play much of games but she has seen many people playing so she knows some of the things regarding the games.

The map shows the area that she explored and the unexplored area will look dark.

On the other hand the area beyond the cave walls looked dark too.

The dungeon system gave a notification to Mohini saying.

"The abilities that are provided by this dungeon system can be used in the real world too."

Suddenly there is a red dot appeared on the map screen at the area in front of her.

Then the dungeon system gave information to Mohini regarding the red dot on the map.

This red dot represents an enemy and the red region is its detection range.

If Mohini were to step into that region the savage monster will notice Mohini.

Mohini thought that this entire dungeon system is like a game system.

Mohini thought of something and took out the pointing half if the green jade charm.

She thought that this game system is very similar to that of the erotic fate god system that the Mohini can receive from the green jade charm.

Because of this question Mohini took out the pointing half of the green jade charm to know the details of the system that this green jade charm will provide.

For the questions in Mohini's mind the pointing half of the green jade charm responded sending a golden green light into Mohini forehead between her eyebrows.

The system provided by the green jade charm has some sort of quest system.

That can help Mohini reach the erotic fate god level.

Other than that there are many other benefits in it.

The common features between both the systems are the system store, player profile abilities like appraisal and map, and the inventory of the game system.

Mohini decided to call this dungeon system as a game system in order to facilitate her convenience.

Then the game system instructed Mohini to close the map screen.

Mohini did as the game system instructed and closed the map.

As soon as she closed the map screen Mohini was able to see a small water ball like thing that is moving in the cave.

Mohini was able to see this thing because her visibility range is higher than that of her enemy.

Even though she has been to some dungeons before she has only witnessed very few dungeons.

For this reasons she did not see many strange creatures even though she lived for over hundred years.

She has read some records on many different monsters that have sightings in the dungeons.

So she knows many details on strengths and weaknesses of these savage beasts and savage monsters.

Immediately a thought appeared in Mohini's mind that is this little thing is recognised by Mohini.

It was a slime that is the most basic monster of the dungeon type games.

Mohini has read the recordings of slimes in dungeon many times.

So she has the basic knowledge that lead to recognise the little thing immediately.

"Is… Is that slime monster?"

"Oh! My! God! "

"This really is a special dungeon and there are even monsters like slimes"

Mohini become a little excited at this moment a notification popped out.

"Player's status assessment completed.

Player can now see her own status."

Mohini know what status is so she thought it is similar to how she summoned the map screen.

So she thought of the status screen.

A light screen containing Mohini's information popped out of nowhere just like the map screen.

Mohini was not stupid before looking at the status screen she took few steps back so that she will not come in to the detection range of the monster.

The slime is moving towards Mohini in a very slow pace so Mohini was not worried about being caught in an ambush.

She made a rough calculation and went back around 10 meters then she hid behind a bolder.

After that she looked at the status screen.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 19

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 20

Title : none


Health points: 20/20

Spirit points: 20/20

Stamina points: 20/20


Body : 20 (+5) =25

Mind : 23 (+2) =25

Soul : 22

Beauty : 25

Luck : 10


Stat points: 0

Merit points: 70

Ability points: 0

Experience points: 500 (needs 2100 experience points to reach next level)


Mohini calmed herself and looked at the details on the light screen display.

It showed the current status of Mohini.

At the same time the game system started to explain everything to Mohini in the order.

The first is the name of the player.

It said that the name "King of Fate" is the display name and the game system considers the name "Mohini" is the player name...


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