Warrior Thor

Kratos looked at Thor with a scrutinizing eye and realized something, this man was vastly different from the Thor Mimir has been telling him about. That Thor seemed like a tired warrior whose pride would get in the way of a fight. That Thor was unhinged and easily emotionally manipulated. This Thor seemed like he was entire person entirely. His actions, his words, his gaze, everything about him was making him become more and more wary. He realized one thing, maybe, just maybe, this is the time that the old Kratos would be back.

'No!' he roared deep down before charging at Thor.

He did a wide slash with his axe only for the Thor to block at the last moment, he wasn't even shaken, taking the blow with one hand and seeming so bored he might fall asleep at any time! Kratos did not give up, slashing and hacking with every technique he could master but each and every blow was block by the immobile god of thunder.

"Look at you, struggling to remember how you moved. How much have you regressed to even struggle at this pitiful display of power!" Thor said in disgust, his words burning deep inside Kratos, making the Greek god continue his furry of slashes. But they were all futile.

Breathing a little hard, he took a step back in order to re-evaluate his approach only for Thor to disappear in his eyes. Suddenly, the sky was upside down and then a pain assaulted his body, followed by a boom that shook the ground beneath him. He couldn't breath as a powerful grip held his neck, squeezing his trachea shut.

"It seems I will beat it out of you," Thor said, lifting him up by his neck and slamming him on the ground, over and over again.

Kratos could feel his consciousness fading with the last breath in his lungs violently knocked out. He looked at his axe and out stretched his hand, summoning it. The axe obeyed but before it reached his outstretched hand, Thor had let go of him, caught it as runes shone trying to stop his intrusion.

"Hmmph, take your trash elsewhere," Thor said in disdain before throwing the axe so hard it disappeared into the horizon in a second. No matter how Kratos tried to call out for it, the axe just kept on going.

"It will take a while before it comes back. On the meantime, we can spend the time with your screaming," Thor said as his eyes glowed with lightning. A beam of lightning fell onto Kratos, making his roar in pain.

"You think you can come here, get a wife, become a daddy and everything will be okay?" Thor said in a booming voice as another beam fell onto Kratos, searing his skin and breaking bones. "That's not how it works. You are a destroyer, just like ME! Everywhere we go, DESTRUCTION FOLLOWS!" Another beam struck Kratos it this time, his roar was more animalistic, a shockwave was emitted from his body that actually negated the beam of lightning.

'Spartan Rage. So it makes him invincible,' Thor said as Kratos set his eyes on him and pounced. 'Who decided that!!'

Punch against punch, a sound akin to the heavens breaking apart revibrated everywhere when the two met. Kratos did not know it but slowly, his restraints were becoming looser and looser with every punch he threw at Thor who started smiling at this. He kept on egging him on with his punches, making Kratos become angrier and stronger.

Kratos ripped a hill sized chunk of earth and threw it at Thor who suddenly appeared behind him, got hold of his bald head and slammed him into the chunk, obliterating it. However, Kratos's left hand got hold of the hand holding him by the wrist before elbowing Thor onto his stomach, only to feel like the blow's force was absorbed by a quagmire. This brought him to his senses but Thor had not done with him, slamming his head onto the side of a frozen cliff, before running alongside it, dragging Kratos with him, leaving drag marks in the ice. Kratos tried to free himself while been dragged before punching the cliff, breaking it for a mile. Thor took a step back, not expecting this and Kratos took that chance to free himself, took some distance from him by doing a roll then outstretched his hand, summoning his weapon. This time, the Leviathan axe obeyed, coming to his hand at blinding speed. However, Mjolnir fell onto it from above, driving the blade part of the axe to sink into the axe, Mjolnir's weight making it impossible for the Leviathan axe to come to Kratos's hand.

"It's a fine weapon, could be even better if it was actually yours," Thor said as he walked towards Kratos, his fists clenched. "But you have to agree, fighting with fists is just as fun as weapons. But, I guess you can disagree, Spartans were trained to fight better with weapons. I only the other hand, believe weapons are a clutch."

"You talk to much!" Kratos roared as he charged at him and speared him to the ground. He pinned Thor's left hand with his right knee before punching Thor on the face over and over again. However, the unnerving thing was that Thor had a calm look on his face when he was doing this.

"As I was saying, I rather like fists be aise, what better weapon than your own body," Thor calmly said before his right hand got hold of the oncoming fist with ease. "I am also ambidextrous, dumbass." With that, he actually slammed Kratos onto the ground to his right as he got on top of him and started landing mountain shattering blows onto him, over and over again, not stopping even as Kratos started bleeding, actually reveling in the sight.

Kratos could feel it, the embrace of death. He was tired, so very tired, and in pain. The pain kept growing with each punch and with the pain, came a welcoming feeling of just letting go of it all. He could feel it, his life slipping at the last punch, comforting darkness welcoming him into its embrace.

"Oh no, I say when we're done," a thundering voice reached him even in the darkness before a sharp pain brought him back into the light. He groaned in pain, his sight onto the smirking Thor as he used Mjolnir to rescacitate him back to life.

"There you are, thought it lost you for a little there," Thor chuckled as Kratos rolled to his side and coughed out the blood in his lungs. "You are letting me down. At this rate, I might as well go to Atreus, he will give me a much better fight. Though, I might enjoy breaking him, his high pitched voice screaming for mercy as my lightning burn away his skin then muscles, next organs and then, I might give him mercy and let him live the rest of his life..."

Thor saw Kratos suddenly turn towards him and he could see in his eyes, this was the Kratos he wanted to fight. One that only wanted to kill him. But, just as he appeared, the old Kratos was back. He charged at him only for Thor to back hand him back to the ground.

"I thought I would enjoy my fight here, seems I got my hopes up for nothing," Thor said as he summoned Mjolnir with a snap of his fingers. Free from Mjolnir, the Leviathan axe flew into Kratos's awaiting hand. Thor charged Mjolnir with lightning before bringing the almighty axe down. Kratos brought out his shield that blocked the blow. He could hear it break together with his hand. But, he was concentrated on something else. His right hand was slashing towards Thor's unprotected torso with all his strength. He was sure of his strength, speed and precision, but be did not take into account how monstrous Thor's dexterity was. Before the axe could reach its mark, Thor had already got hold of the axe, stopping him in motion before darkness flooded him, the last thing he saw being Thor's massive head retreating from his.

"Same spot as the other Thor," Thor said in relief as he saw Kratos slump onto the frozen ground, fully unconscious. He had just stopped Kratos from inflicting him the same kind of injury as the other Thor. He could tank it, but he honestly did not trust fate to be kind to him. Maybe because he had the destiny of been killed my The World Snake, the poison imbued in the axe would have weakened him to be in the same level as Kratos the next time they fought, therefore giving Kratos Hole, powering him up and defeating him. Fate was tricky like that.

"Speaking of Fate," Thor said as he looked at where the World Serpent was sleeping in ice. He summoned Mjolnir and was about to slay the World Serpent when Odin appeared in front of him.

"Done already?" he asked as he looked around at the destruction wrought with wide eyes.

"All done," Thor said, putting Mjolnir onto his belt. He looked at the World Serpent before making note of its DNA, catching the enzymes that made it insusceptible to its own poison and added it into his body. Now, he was without any known weakness. Odin was looking at Kratos with a curious look.

"How strong is he?" he asked Thor.

"Weak, but powerful enough not to be underestimated," Thor answered. Odin gave him a crooked look before snorting then teleporting them away.