Chapter 2

The next day, Enid didn't show up to the dorm at all and ignored Wednesday when her eyes slipped to look at her. Wednesday tried to pay attention in her classes but she couldn't seem to focus, she put it off as nothing and convinced herself that she just didn't get enough sleep last night.Walking back to Ophelia hall after the school day had ended, she ran into Yoko and...Enid. Enid just walked past her. Yoko stared at Wednesday before saying, "You made her really upset you know." she shook her head in disapproval before catching up to Enid.

Wednesday was left there to watch them walk off, she swore she almost felt her facial muscles contort, but they didn't, and that was good. She continued walking to the dorm, she was walking faster than normal. She wasn't upset by Enid, she loved being alone. She felt comfort in solitude so then why was this so different.?

As she opened the door, she saw the line on the floor. She made that line, so why did she almost regre- no, no she didn't. Wednesday Addams enjoyed being by herself and having her privacy. So why was she walking towards Enid's bed? Why was she choosing to be on her side of the room, she hates the bright colors and annoying unicorn plushies. She hates her roommates' annoying taste in all things joyous... (Thing is obviously watching her in secret) She touched the soft fabric of Enid's bed, it hadn't been made since she stormed out. She leaned over a bit, she felt tired..what if she layed- no. She wouldn't ever even dream of it, that's disgusting of her. Enid's bed was so full of color, she'd rather scoop her eyes out with a fork than look at it..let alone lie in it.

She walked over to her side of the room then sat at her desk, staring at her typewriter deep in thought. She noticed Thing watching her, "Have you become obsessed with me, Thing? Even as your master, I would've never thought you'd change like that so early." She teased him, Thing only got angry at that. He signed something to her and she just went back to her mind, thinking deeply about...Thing taps the desk to get her attention then signs to her, 'I know you miss Enid.'Wednesday scoffs quietly, "What could possess you to come up with such a conclusion like that?" He signs more frantically this time. "So you were watching me, I knew it. I was just tired and wasn't paying attention, don't breathe a word to anyone or else I promise to lock you in my desk for the rest of the semester."Thing quickly scurried away after hearing the threat and Wednesday was left to...sulk, as some would say. She went to lay in her bed and tossed and turned for most of the night, which was strange for someone like her.