When she woke up, she got ready for a day that would soon be her worst at this academy. She carefully braided her hair again almost perfectly, leaving not one strand visible. She then brushed her bangs down.
She looked even more tired as the day went on, it was the same as yesterday. She thought if she went through another day like this, she'd lose it. Sounds almost like fun to her, her mind slowly unraveling and going insane...Again, just like yesterday, she dragged herself back to her and what used to be Enid's room. Normally, going insane would've seemed fun, but she realized something. Thing wasn't following closely behind her with his annoying pattering fingers; actually, he hadn't been for the entire miserable, exhausting day.
Just as quickly as she had realized, she frantically looked around. "Thing?!" She called out. For the first time in many years, Wednesday started to panic. Now, she was wide awake. She ran back to the room, not caring if she bumped into the countless other students who she passed. She rammed into the door like it was going to suddenly lock her out. "Thing?!" Wednesday yelled even louder than before. A wave of relief came over her as she once again heard his fingers pattering along the floor."Thing." Wednesday sternly said. She walked to the hand and lifted him. "How long have you been gone?" She questioned. Thing said nothing. "Where were you?" Thing said nothing. "Fine. If you don't start answering every question I have for you in 5 seconds, you're going to be locked in my drawer for the rest of my semester. 5.. 4.. 3.." He tapped her hand as a way to show that he would answer. "I left yesterday." He signed. She couldn't believe that she let her guard down so much that Thing would be able to slip away this easily. What was happening to her? Her thoughts quickly went back to questioning Thing. "And where were you?" Wednesday said. "I was-" He hesitated to sign the rest, "with Enid."