Chapter 11

"Oh, my little viper!" Gomez cried out, he went over to the cell as Wednesday got up. Pugsley excitedly watched Gomez and Morticia go to Wednesday's lockup cell, rushing over afterwards.

"Hello Mother, Father." Wednesday stood a few inches away from the bars that held her captive to this damned place. Enid, hearing someone speak, sat up. Only being met with the sight of Wednesday talking to who she could only guess was her family. They all dressed similarly, and Enid wasn't very surprised at this fact considering Wednesday's wardrobe choice.

Morticia smiled, "I see you've finally made a friend. Nevermore never disappoints, does it?"

Wednesday gritted her teeth, "Nonsense. She's the fool that got me in here- actually, she's caused my stay at Nevermore to be rather...Displeasing."

"I remember the first time I got into some trouble with your mother!" Gomez happily exclaimed. "I am so proud of you, my little deathtrap!"

Neither Wednesday or Enid said anything. Wednesday knew her parents would be as stubborn as ever in believing that they were destined to be friends, there was no point in trying to fight it. Enid, on the other hand, was far too terrified by the girl's even more gothic parents to say anything.

Gomez however, ignored the tension between them and walked towards Enid's cell. "Usually, I feel bad for whoever lands in my little storm cloud's death gaze, but you look like a nice girl." Gomez smoothed his mustache, then gave the werewolf girl a smile.

Enid smiled back, "O-oh... Well, thanks..." She said a bit nervously, "I'm Enid by the way, Wednesday's roommate..." Wednesday stared at her.

Gomez chuckled seeing Wednesday staring, "Can I not talk to your friend, death trap?" He turned back to Enid, "I am Gomez, Wednesday's father." He pointed at Morticia, "This is her mother, Morticia. I'm sure she would prefer "Mrs. Addams" though." Gomez winked at Morticia. "Oh! And I almost forgot about Pugsley. This is Pugsley, her brother." Pugsley waved shyly before returning his focus to Wednesday.

Morticia stayed silent, observing the girl with colorful clothing. She really stood out in the dull, gray atmosphere of the jail cell. "Well, i-it's nice to see that Wednesday has parents like you two." She held her hands, then swung them a bit. Thinking on what to say to leave a good impression. "At least you two are supportive about this whole situation." She chuckled, but it had a dark undertone as she thought about her parents.

"Thank you- and I do hope you two can stay friends, Wednesday's always been very lonely-" Enid stared at Gomez, looking much less terrified than she had to begin with.

"Again, we're not friends, father. Also- I choose to be alone.. I enjoy not having others around to drag me down." Wednesday cut in, glaring at Gomez. He chuckled and backed away from Enid's cell to stand by Morticia's side.

Wednesday looked away from her father to see Sherriff Galpin peeking at him. He definitely isn't very fond of the Addams family- especially not Gomez. She gave him her infamous death glare until he left. They all stayed silent realizing who Wednesday was staring at.