Chapter 12

After a long moment of silence, Morticia cleared her throat, "Anyway... Wednesday, how are you liking Nevermore so far?"

Wednesday gritted her teeth upon hearing her mother's voice, "I wouldn't use the word "liking", there hasn't been a single thing here that I've found interesting. Perhaps the foolishness of the students, but other than that, I haven't enjoyed Nevermore in the slightest bit."

Morticia scoffed back. "Really? That is quite a shame... It was a mind-opening, wonderful place for me! I thought that-"

"Thought what? Because you had enjoyed your years here that I would too? I see right through you, Mother. I am not you and I won't be you. You may have a legacy here but I refuse to be in the competition you created." Wednesday retorted, sounding tired of her mother. Her tone may have been monotone but Enid noticed how she talked faster.

Morticia looked surprised, "Wh- Wednesday, I never meant for this to be a competition, I wanted you to be around others like you."

"You want me to be a clone of you, and that's the only way you think I'll fit in, correct? That sounds very narcissistic, Mother." Wednesday retorted, even faster than she did before. The only thing that could truly make her this angry was her mother.

Gomez let out a small chuckle, being nervous about the family's first impression, "Heh, I am so sorry. They often fight like this. Mostly, It's nothing serious."

Enid awkwardly glanced around the room, avoiding looking at the family or Wednesday. She kept a smile on her face even if it turned into a more nervous one.

"I don't want you to become me, Wednesday, I just want to give you the same opportunities I had as a child, and even more." Morticia tried to give a small smile but it was hard with Wednesday not having it.

"Potato po-tah-to, I know your schemes." Wednesday turned, going back to sit on her bed, "I will not fall for them." Enid, Gomez, and Pugsley were left to sit and watch awkwardly.

"Fine, but once you realize that I'm only trying to help, remember I'll always be there for you." Morticia ended the argument and Wednesday let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

The door loudly slammed as Morticia and Pugsley exited the room, but Gomez stayed. He looked around the room, "Oh- also, I found this on the newspaper... A man was murdered in the forest near Nevermore! They say it was a bear, but... I thought you would like to investigate, since I know you like a little mystery, my storm cloud!"

Wednesday smirked as she took the newspaper from his hands, "Thank you, Father. I do enjoy a good murder mystery. I'll have something to occupy myself with while in here."

Gomez rushed out of the room, following Morticia and Pugsley. A long moment of silence followed. Wednesday studied the newspaper, while Enid simply didn't have anything to say.

"...Your family's pretty great, apart from the whole fighting part...but I understand it." Enid broke the silence in a quiet tone.

"No, you don't. You also broke my concentration." Wednesday stated, not looking up from the newspaper.

"Well, I understand it more than you think." Enid held her hands behind her back, and went to walk by the walls that separate them. "Our moms both think they're doing what's best for us, but really, it's just making it worse."

Wednesday looked up from the newspaper, "I suppose that's true, but my mother is surely worse than yours. She is constantly trying to make me become a version of her, while your mother just wants you to develop some wolfy powers."

"It's not just that simple, Wednesday." Enid quickly defended herself, "She wants me to be just like my entire family, and she wants me to go to these stupid lycan conversion therapy places! I've had to fly out to different states just to try making me 'normal'." She sat down on her bed and sighed loudly with frustration, not even looking at Wednesday at this point.

Wednesday set the newspaper down, realizing that they may not have such different experiences after all. "...Being sent to a camp against your will... I suppose that may be worse than my mother's annoying antics. Hmph, I've misjudged your experiences. For that, I apologize."

Enid looked back up at her for one second, her face turning a slight pink, she went from her ball position to lying down.

"Goodnight, Wednesday." She calmly stated. Wednesday hadn't heard that sweet, calm tone since the day they first had a conversation. Wednesday said nothing in return, and decided to also lie down, as her newspaper was giving her no new clues. For some reason, even with the uncomfortable bed, Wednesday managed to get some sleep for once.