Chapter 5 (Jasmine)

I returned from school very tired. I went to my room to freshen up then I returned to meet my mom preparing supper with my aunt I tried to help but they sacked me and I ended up doing homework instead. Supper was ready just when I finished my homework and after eating I wasted no time and ran straight to bed after changing into my pajamas. I hugged my pillow with a smile and closed my eyes. A few hours later I woke up with a start, since the incident I've not been able to sleep completely so I wake up to the slightest disturbance even if it is just my window being pushed open.

Someone climbed into my room and for some reason my room was dark. I went to bed with the light on so who turned it off? My mom knows not to turn off my light. I didn't have much time to wonder as the figure headed towards my bed. I moved back while I held my pillow closer to me. My knees were close to my chest as I tried to hide my face. When he got closer the moonlight shone on his face and I realized it was Emmett. What was he doing in my room?

"Y.. you? Wh... wh.. what are you doing here?" I was on the verge of tears," What? Did you think I won't come back for you? " I whimpered as he climbed my bed." Oh Jassy, don't cry we both know you want me you're just playing hard to get" he raised my chin with his index finger so he could look me in the eyes, "Are you ready for me baby". I moved my face from him and tried kicking him away and it worked for a while then he held my legs, opened them and moved in between them closer to me , "Still feisty I see" he smirked and touched my hair.

"Love the new hair but I preferred it longer" he said as he held the bottom of my hair and pulled it hard causing me scream in pain. He held my face in both his hands and drew closer just then there was a knock on my door, "Is everything okay, Jasmine?" my mom called from behind the door, "Mom, mom help me" I screamed but before she could come in he escaped through the window once again but not before threatening me, "I'll be back, Jassy" he smirked and jumped down.

My mom held me the moment she entered, "Jasmine, Jasmine you're fine. Please open your eyes baby" she repeated over and over again and eventually I did to realize it was all a dream. A very real dream. "He's coming for me mom, he's coming" I couldn't help it. What if he comes for me just as he did in my dream, what would I do then? I pulled my hair so much but I just couldn't let go. My mom tried to comfort me and whispered comforting words to me and in no time I went back to bed but not before I begged her to not leave me. I didn't want to be alone again and she was still there when I woke up at seven in the morning.

I looked at my bedside clock and immediately jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I came out after preparing. I wore a grey top with black jeans and picked the first pair of sneakers I saw before picking my bag and running to the kitchen where my mom was preparing breakfast. "Mom let's go I'm almost late" she looked at me weirdly, "I don't think you should go to school today dear".

Believe me I didn't want to go it was a Saturday after all but I had extra classes which I couldn't miss if I wanted to pass my exams. "Mom I can't afford to miss anymore classes or I might as well just repeat the class. Now come on I'm going to be late" I wasn't really okay after what happened earlier today but I had to go to school, honestly I'm just pretending to be fine because I don't want her to worry.

It would be just me, a few teachers and Jared. I know dangerous. I ran to the car and waited for my mom who packed some pancakes for me to eat since I didn't have breakfast. She drove me to the school. I kind of missed Priscilla since she'd always meet me at the gate before we'd walk to class together but since it was not a school day I didn't expect her to be in school. I waved at my mom and walked into the school building. I went to my locker for some books and I saw Jared doing the same.

He walked up to me when he was done. "Good morning madam" he said with a fake British accent which caused me to give him a weird look" Good morning to you too" I responded. I'm just giving a chance to this friendship because he keeps trying so much and he showed me the other day that I had nothing to worry about. Who knows what would have happened if he didn't find me when he did but it doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down.

"Are the teachers in yet?" I asked. He looked at his watch and looked back at me, "They should be which means we're late" I closed my locker just as he finished speaking, "Let's go" he said and grabbed my hand and ran with me to the class and I just let him for the first time I didn't flinch or pull away. Wow, so much for keeping my guard up.


"Okay it's five minutes to closing time but since we're done for today's work I'll give you homework then you can go" was I glad to hear that. It's almost twelve which means we're almost done for the day. I've not been feeling good for the past hour and I'd really like to go home. My breathing felt labored for some reason and I kept seeing black flashes. I cleaned my glasses a couple of times during the lesson but I knew that wasn't the issue and even though I couldn't really hear what the teacher was saying I tried to pay attention.

Everything felt hazy and I think Jared noticed I was a bit off, "Hey are you okay?" he asked when the teacher dismissed us and I nodded as I stood up and picked my bag which was a bad idea because everything began to spin. I managed to walk out of the class and I was heading for the doors that led out of the school when everything turned black and that's all I remember.

I woke up and I was lying down on what looked like two tables joined together actually that's what it is. I sat up and after looking around for a while I realized it was an empty classroom. Jared entered with one of the teachers," Oh good she's awake now" Jared said with a smile while paving a way for the teacher who walked to me, "How are you feeling Jasmine?" he asked and tried to touch my forehead but I flinched and pulled away, guess the walls are still up. It didn't seem to upset him though rather he apologized which sort of shocked me but I guess all the teachers know what happened and how they should react.

"Are you okay?" he asked again and I nodded, "Have you eaten?" he continued that I didn't know how to answer. Yes, I totally forgot about the pancakes so I shook my head. He turned to Jared, "Okay get her to go home and make sure she eats" he smiled and waved at me before walking out of the class. I turned to look at Jared who smiled, handed me my glasses and picked my bag.

"If you don't mind I'd like to walk you home", I frowned why won't he just call my mom to come pick us but then he realized my expression and hurried to calm me down," Don't worry I'm harmless I just want to talk" he lifted his hands to show that he had nothing to hide. I don't see anything wrong with him taking me home and besides we'll be in public so I agreed. He drew closer to the table, "Can I?" he asked to help me get down from the table and I nodded but I flinched when he got closer to me, "Don't worry, it's okay I won't hurt you" he assured me as he held my upper arm.

I slowly eased myself off the table and he helped me find my footing then, he carried my bag and we walked out of the school together. We walked quietly for a while then he turned to me," Would you like to eat before we go?" my stomach answered for me and after chuckling he led me into a diner that was close to where I live.

After ordering he finally decided to talk, "Jasmine, don't be offended but why are you um...umm... why do you keep passing out? And who's coming for you? Are you running from someone?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at gave him a questioning look, "Don't get me wrong but when you blacked out you kept saying that he was coming for you. I just want to know who you were talking about and maybe why he's coming for you?".

I gulped and stared at him and he stared at me too. I don't know what but something just kept telling me that I could trust him. I didn't want to make the same mistake twice. I didn't realize I was crying till he handed me a tissue, " Oh I'm sorry if I triggered you. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to I was just curious".

"How am I sure that you won't make fun of me or treat me differently like most people?" I asked the one question that kept repeating in my head. "Jasmine, I can't promise you anything in fact I don't even think that I'm the right person to be talking to about this but then I also know that you can only let this go when you talk about it. Someone or something is trying to change who you are and you are letting it. True, you can't just get over it in an instant but at least little by little you'll get there".

He looked so sincere and I felt safe with him, like nothing could harm me because Jared was there and this was what I feared most but he was right I had to confide in someone because I was the only one who could tell what actually happened.

I cleaned my tears, pushed my glasses back up my nose and cleared my throat, " Okay Jared, I'll tell you what happened, why I'm like this but don't judge me okay?" I asked with pleading eyes and he nodded. "It was a Friday night just like any other and I had begged my mom the whole week with the help of my best friend, Miranda, so I could go a party that was being hosted by one of the seniors who just graduated. I was happy when she agreed but now when I think about it I wish I had stayed home. Maybe if I had not gone, my hair would still be long and I won't be so scared of the dark. Maybe I'd still be able to trust people and I won't be so fragile. That night broke me Jared and right now I'm not sure I can be fixed".