Chapter 22(William)

Today is graduation, well at least for her I’ve already graduated and this seems just like my first graduation. Excited parents and other relatives of over excited students who are graduating. They think it’s going to be easy out there and all they want to do is get out if high school officially. Honestly I can’t say I’ve felt hardship myself after all I was recruited immediately after high school and I’m paid well and taken care of, I’ve made great friends too so I’ve not really had a hard time.

Speaking of people going through hard times, I wonder if there are any people like Jasmine in her year, people who have already had life hitting them hard before they could actually start enjoying freedom. People who are trapped in the fear of what might happen next and whether it’ll be worse or better than their current predicament. The program went by really fast for me because before I knew it they were mentioning names of the graduates and each person walked up to receive their diploma and take a picture. A little while later, Jasmine was called and I felt so proud, as she limped a little to take her diploma.

She has been so strong even after the two major crisis that occurred and the comments people make and everything she was still able to hold her own and finish the semester and her leg was also healing quite well, so soon she moved from being bed ridden and sad to a slightly better state but she didn’t seem so fine as she took the picture. Her smile was completely fake and she seemed sad and her ears were red like it is when she cries or is over excited but right now I don’t think over excitement is what she’s feeling.

Who made my princess cry and why? That person should really be ready for me. She’s already going through so much why would anyone do anything bad to her. I couldn’t get up from my seat so I just watched her limp back to her seat.

Someone was really going to get it after this no one has the right to hurt this angel who was already. Unfortunately, she sort of disappeared after we closed I didn’t really see where she sat since she was behind me and all so I just ask those I could. I ended up back in the school building because someone said she saw her rush back in. I didn’t know where I was looking but I did because I knew that the longer she stayed alone the higher the risk of her doing something to herself or she could even have a panic attack. Don’t get me wrong I know Jasmine has improved and all but I still couldn’t take the risk. What kind of bodyguard would I be then?