The fair

This was dream 06

As I recognized that I had a conciencia and I took in my surroundings I noticed I was in a school bus, the long yellow ones that can house more than 20 kids, with their leathery seats that more than often are worn out or ripped by the kids that sit there, and keep this between us but we all know that one kid that took a bite out of one of the seats.

Looking around I noticed I was sitting next to a girl. I cannot remember her face. I can remember her long curly almond colored hair I also remember staring at it as she turned to look at me like I was a weirdo. I apologized and asked where we were going.

"So you exited for the trip?" I asked trying to get info on where we where going.

"Well yeah everyone is exited for the FAIR, how can you not be? It's our '(3)$'@% year we need to enjoy it." She told about it with a almost fanatical glint in her eyes, note that I still cannot remember how she look she just seemed like a fanatic straight out of some cult.

"Well I guess I am exited but anything for a conversation starter right?" I tried avoiding the topic.

"I guess so, you Have been awfully quiet this whole ride."

"Sorry about that, my nerves must have gotten the best of me." I chuckle nervously.

"So what are your plans for when we get there?"

"I haven't really thought about it" I asserted, hoping she would tell me about her plans.

"Really not at all?, not even your class?"

"Have you?" I questioned slightly defensive.

"Well yeah, I plan to be a HUNTER my daddy trained me for this!" she practically yelled with that glint in her eyes once more.

That was the point where I realized that every one in in the bus in the adjacent rows was looking at us while whispering pointing at my seat partner, was being a hunter that big of a deal?

"So you have not considered another class?" I question her

"Why would I want to be a SURVIVOR it has almost zero advantages unless you are in a group and being a ZOMBIE seems kinda boring." I noted there being 3 possible clases and maybe one group acting together since survivors apparently need to be together at least to have "advantages". Hmmm what does being a ZOMBIE entail? Can't be literal right?

My thoughts cut short the bus seemed to come to a stop. A wide man walked in, him being more muscular than fat towering over most of us, granted we were still sitting.

"I hope you are ready for the fair, would not want to clean up after any of you chumps" he said with a smile that seemed almost evil in how happy it was. Was I missing more context than I thought?

"Well whether you are ready or not, YOU will get out of the bus now and get your vaccinations before anything. NOW MOVE IT MEAT BAGS WE DO NOT HAVE ALL DAY" the man screamed making most students stand up and try to rush out. I being experienced in bus traffic waited until the all moved then followed after. The "girl" stood up with pride visible to all an strode down the aisle. Almost like a predator.

After I got off I looked around and first saw a wind mill, a wooden one you can see in cartoon like courage the cowardly dog. Then I saw the big red farmhouse. Eerie was my description for it and while I could have described it better the situation ahead needed my attention.

"All right meat bags you will all stand in 4 lines, the first one is for Hunters, the second for Zombies, the third for Survivors, and the fourth...well if you belong in the fourth you will know. Now move it." Now here is the conundrum. Where should I go? With no time to think my choices slit between the mysterious line 4 or line 1 with the hunters with the girl with almond brown colored hair. What to do? Perhaps this choice would determine my future so without thinking of the possibility of getting laid in my mind. I went to line 4. I always thought gambling was stupid yet here I am doing it. I looked to see how was in what line. Seeing that Almond, my new nickname for my former seat mate was indeed in line 1. I was strangely perceptive on where she was most of the time so it was not that difficult to spot her, yet nothing about her seemed average. You could tell she was the type to stand out in a crowd, yet there she was almost alone in a line made of prospective hunters while not speaking with any of them. Made me wonder was she a loner, sure did not seem like it. She was very vocal when speaking to me. Turning my sight to my own line I noticed that our line was the smallest yet with the hunter following in second place with the amount of people in their line. The Zombie and Survivor lines were almost competing to see who had more people. Made me all the more curious about this peculiar line was their something special in this one or did I screw my self over?

In front of the lines were booths, resembling security booths at airports and following the resemblance, as each student went through they were searched and seized of any belongings that from one look at them seemed pointless. Because why would they take a button from one person, a shoe from another, and piercing from the next one? It seemed too random? Well when it was my turn she took my glasses turning me 70% blind to anything farther than a feet in front of me giving me a huge disadvantage now I was truly screwed over. Then we were told to sit and wait for our vaccines. The wait was not long and as every one went in the room for the injection I was beginning to realized how sketchy it is to give us vaccinations at this point in time we were only going to a fair right? It was my turn to go in the room. Like a waiting room at a doctors office it had the inclined bed with paper over it, a small desk and all the instruments a doctor or nurse would need to check the vitals of a patient. Soon a nurse walked in.

"You ready?" She asked me in a kiddish tone which bothered me a bit

"I think so" I replied but regret it soon after.

Her smile turning sadistic she jabbed the needle into my leg making me jump in my seat from the pain about to scream at her and ask her what her problem was. She yanked the needle empty of its contents from my thigh briskly and uncaring of the pain she was causing me.

"Ready up buttercup for you are about to go on a joyride"

Once again ready to barrage her with questions and insults for her shitty job was stopped by a noose dropped down from over my head. Panicked from the traumatic experience being relived. I start hyperventilating only for the noose to tighten on its own and pull tight rising me to hang a feet from the ground leaving me to use my tip toes to barely breathe. Just as I start calming down the nurse which was forgotten in my plight knocks the air out of my lungs with a heavy uppercut. Only to do it again and again until I cannot stand the abuse and fall into uncomfortable unconscious, only to wake up to being choked by the rope once again prolonging my suffering. Cutting my panicking short the nurse who was slowly becoming my worse enemy dunked water upon my face. The ice cube filled water chilling me and my hanging form causing many more problems like me drowning on the water. That and the rope choking the life out of me, my uncomfortable position of barely touching the floor, made my situation and my lack of understanding of why I was going through this made the experience purely evil to my psyche. Just as K was about to take over the nurse leaves the room allowing me to slightly become less tense. Noticing that not much time has passed I try to pull myself up, my hands not helping much other than lessening the strain I had on my neck every once in a while. I stood there. Hanging for a long time. The lack of a clock was apparent after taking a look around the room. The constant ticking with no identified source was starting to bother me. I had nothing to do other than curse my luck a wait, and wait I did.

Just as I stated to think I would not make it. The ropes got cut and I fell coughing appreciating the ability to breathe unrestricted. Yeah I cannot understand people with choking kinks. This shit is and always will be a nightmare. Noticing the nurse was not back to "treat" me again I try to stand only to realize that the position I maintained was not good for my feet. I promised pain upon that nurse if I even find her again. I massaged my neck as I tried leaving the room. Locked it seemed I looked up to see where the rope came from. Fake ceiling, I guess that's my exit. Jumping on the inclined bed? Chair? Who cares. I pushed the ceiling up to see if there was metal to hold me as I tried to climb up. Lucky me I did and i I got out it seems the small camera that was in the corner of the room was currently being monitored since the alarm rung. I being a smart cookie moved faster to leave, my destination unknown I tried navigating the vents I found myself crawling through , but my size and weight seemed to be against me this instance since as soon as I went through an older vent it groaned and snapped making me fall. Finding an elevator in front of me I took my chances and went inside it was either that of going down the hallway where boots marching my way were coming. As the doors closed I pressed the only other button there and laid down on the wall of the elevator. Elation at my temporary safety my body seemed ready to shut down for the day but I remembered where I was and denied it the pleasure. As the elevator reached tithe next floor a ding sounded through announcing the arrival. As the doors opened and the light pierced through and my vision cleared I saw my destination. A water park? As if being insulted the water park exploded in an impressive gore of water, as if a storm was passing through but before I could admire any further a sound pierce all else and knocked me out.


Let me know what your thoughts about my dreams are, whether they are boring dull or, Ohio weird.

I continued this dream the other day and might write it down… if I remeber

Well good bye