Maybe because I was talking about yesterday but I had a dream about it today
I was an iníciate and i just joined the military
My name was Rhonda, well that was my nickname since I was so happy all of the time or at least acted like it. I seemed to have some type of problem thinking too much and I often went into trances. Rhonda just kept acting I just spaced out.
My first day went something like this.
While I was walking somewhere someone called me out.
"Yo Rhonda where ya going dude you need to head to debrief and get equipped with everything you need before we need to go". I dumbly nodded and started to follow him since I did not know where debrief was at.
As we walked we seemed to be having a conversation I was not a part of, or was not important since my brain decided that blurring the conversation was a good idea. After some indefinite time we reached a hanger that was emptier than you would think. It had a big tent somewhere, an office, a training room and a debrief room. As the soldier I met was walking ahead of me he called out.
"Well we are here just in time to give you a little tour"
This part was odd to say the least, as we explored he showed me equipment that I would properly know to use at a later date yet still needed to know where they were placed. Some of the equipment had weird shapes and features. One of the belt he showed me was supposed to grant infinite bullets just not for yourself but for your teammates. Another was a pair of gloves that made punching easier, but would heal a teammate. Weird items like that were most of the ones I remember having support features. I can't remember the damaged dealing ones, like guns and the like.
At some point he showed me a walkie talkie of sorts, but before he managed to explain its purpose, someone called out to me from outside.
"Rhonda, get over here I have something for you", I do not know why but heading to this person outside was awkward like walking to a person too far so you start to kinda run-walk towards them but you just decide to complete jog towards them, yeah that happened. As I started to jog and the scenery changed from a military base to some woods I reached the person trying to talk with me, which also started jogging with me and the soldier that showed me around and before long we had around a platoon amount of soldiers around me jogging along the forest seemingly darker out now.
The person talking to me handed me a pen of sorts, it apparently increased intelligence which I lacked.
I remember being grateful seemingly this was something I was insecure about, and he had given me a way to fix it.
This is where things go down hill.
As the setting blur and I "awoke" again now I was sitting in a chair watching a man explain the plan of action. It was bright outside way too bright. The debriefing stopped and I was lead to the same area where the equipment was stored. I was handed a rifle with two sights installed, one detected something that was not able to be seen with the normal eye, the second sight was a normal X4 sight recon, I was handed the healing glove, the belt with infinite ammo, and the radio, apart from those my uniform was some dark tan bordering brown, a nice bark-like brown. I cant remember if I had a helmet, I also had a vest it had some monitors with my vitals on the inside. To finish it off I had some combat boots which boasted comfortable stepping and had some brace that when kicking another it made a small shockwave capable of killing anyone unprepared.
I fully kited up and was loaded on a truck, I was in charge of the back if I saw something supernatural or not, I was to shoot first, report second, breathe third. Strictly kill on site no exceptions even our own men if they showed up. Bit cruel i did not question it at the time I don't think I understood what that meant.
As time passed I noticed the monotony. There was not much to look at it was mostly this foggy red desert. Granted it was probably not fog but sand but it was not too windy so I was not to sure. There was only this gravely sand for miles on end and the only different places were canyons, pit or tracks.
Everything went well. Too well I suppose. As we were reaching ground zero our destination
As we approached the base we did a radio check, and called home base to let them know we were approaching for some reason I think I heard landline and the radio cut out. After that one of the leading soldier panicked but since I did not know what that meant I just kept my eyes on the surroundings.
At some point the vehicle approached a futuristic gate which blocked the red sands around us. As we were cleared for entrance one of the soldiers on the truck suddenly grabbed the radio, and clicked the button to talk.
"Home base what is the code?" the soldier almost commanding an answer.
"Landline, soldier why are you staling. Finish patrol we have other tasks to attend." They radioed back
The soldier face paled and he immediately started yelling in a panic
"Back out now this is a trap"
Before the driver could reverse out of the gate we started to get shot at. My buddy the one that gave me the tour died right next to me, in a attempt to save him I tried punching his chest with the healing gloves and sure enough it fixed his face but he did not have a pulse and his irises were completely dilated and I just knew he was gone, and I saw red. I know that was not anger it was something more…odd I suppose. I remember shooting down three people before I was shot in the shoulder. I took cover inside the vehicle. I then noticed the imps. Now this caught me by surprise I don't think I have ever seen a demon and this lil shit look like the perfect stereotype. Red skin, small horns, ugly face with a grin stretching for ear to ear. The ugly sons of hell were equipped with rags and clubs. The mob kind of enemy the type that work better in a group than individually. The problem was that I saw more than ten, and by this point we had lost around 5 more soldiers losing our numbers to fi.. no now that i think about it how many were there? I cant remember but it was more than five. We did ditch the truck and our dead comrades. It hurt but we we're about to be overwhelmed by both the imps and the previously thought to be teammate soldiers. As we ran we separated in groups of three and either a LT or a sergeant gave us some gas masks and told us to wear them as long as we could. As we separated I realized how stupid of an idea this was but still moved. We eventually found a cave and introduced ourselves since it seemed we never did talk to each other.
"I'm Rhonda, shitty day we're having huh" I started off with a strained smile.
"I'm John, I was the recon specialist" a soldier who seemed taller and bigger than me in body weight answered, granted I'm 6'2" so this was a bit unusual for me but not something to linger on.
"I'm Sara, I am the team psychiatrist and you guys can talk to me if you see anything weird in your actions while out here the sand does have hallucinogenic elements." She was a pretty gal with her dark brown hair looking almost black tied up. Now I wonder where I heard that name before.
We made a basic camp after the introductions, we were on rotation so Sara would we on watch first me second and john third. I rummaged through my gears for some rations so we could eat before the long night ahead and found crackers and marshmallows, I was only missing some chocolate but it would do.
I was making s'mores absent minded. When I noticed another imp, something was bugging me about why another imp was here alone at that but I shot it and killed it. For some reason I had the compulsion to skin the imp for meat since the s'mores would taste better with imp meat. So I head to the imp and start skinning it.
It wasn't an imp. That became clear enough after I came ro reason when my pretty psychiatrist punched me in the face, with the glove how nice of her. She was yelling my name in a pretty desperate manner yet I could not hear her before now, that was odd.
But now everything came to vision and the world clear for just a moment. I was not skinning an imp. I was skinning my commanding officer. I threw up. I knew him. Of course I did he was the one to show me around the first day and here I was skinning him like some animal I hunted, looking terrified , eyes wide in clear betrayal. I had killed a comrade and did not even notice what kind of soldier was I? I thought he was dead how could this happen?
Before I kept despairing about what I had done the pretty psychiatrist snapped me out of it.
I was about to explain but just as I looked at her behind her I saw the earth. Earth how could I be seeing the earth when I was in earth?
Was I in space but when did I get here?
Then it clicked…
I'm in mars?
And the dream ended