Chapter 142

After breakfast, Richard offered to clean up the cutlery, but I refused softly and told him to stay still in his chair until I finished my business in the kitchen.

"If you forbade me to wash the dishes, then what can I do?"

"Nothing. You don't need to do anything; just keep quiet and wait for me to return."

"Huff, alright if you are forced."

His words did sound full of regret, but the expression he showed me opposite his words. Even I could glance at a smile on his lips before he covered it with his flat face.

"If you don't intend to offer help, you better not say it at the beginning."

"Well, because you are my girlfriend, I don't want to bother you with things like this. Moreover, you have already cooked breakfast for both of us, I will feel guilty if I don't help you even a little."

"Yes, that's it. How about you help me clean up your room? Very messy because."