Chapter 143

Sometimes, regret only appears after someone has done something they shouldn't have done.

Likewise with me, who just regretted my decision when I saw the pile of dirty cutlery in the kitchen that I hadn't had time to clean up because I was too busy with my activities with Richard.

"When you have finished washing everything, put your apron and gloves on the dining table. I'll go to the bathroom first."

Richard, my boyfriend, who had just tidied up his appearance after I ended my making out session with him, then patted me lightly on the shoulder, giving the signal 'do your job properly' with his eyes before he smiled briefly and left the kitchen where I was standing.

He did everything without waiting for a response from me, who was about to throw one of the dirty plates at him as an expression of my annoyance at his attitude of casually ordering me to do things that should not be my responsibility.

Damn you, Richard!