Chapter 144

Since I didn't see any possibility of my wanting to continue my activities of peeking at my boyfriend, who immediately locked the bathroom door as soon as he kicked me out of the bathroom, I was forced to move on to the next task.

The laundry room.

The only room in Richard's apartment that always manages to make the hairs on the back of my neck quiver instantly. With slightly dim lighting, a shelf filled with detergent and softener ready to call me to use, and the aroma of detergent tickling my nose as soon as I entered...

And what was most terrifying was the pile of dirty clothes that were waiting for me to take care of, making this room the only place I didn't want to go among all the rooms in the apartment.

"Hah... If only there was a beautiful female ghost guarding this place, I would definitely ask for her help to take care of all this dirty laundry. This place is too perfect to be the residence of a ghost."