Chapter 149

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like something is different about Hannah since our last date last week.

I don't know what Hannah is trying to hide from me; what's clear is that I don't like the change in her attitude at all.

For example, today.

Tonight we were supposed to have a dinner date at my acquaintance's Italian restaurant, but suddenly she just canceled our plans without any reason an hour beforehand.

And what's even more annoying is that instead of telling me directly, Hannah told me via text message, which succeeded in inflaming my anger.

[Sorry, I have urgent needs, so I can't have a dinner date with you tonight.]

Another time, how about it? I'll make sure to make it another time.]

Or the day before yesterday, when I invited her to stay at my place because I felt lonely and needed her presence near me.

Instead of agreeing, Hannah flatly rejected my request and told me to become an independent adult man.