The wife beater

Zeke's POV

The sky was orange, grey, pink and blue all at the same time. The sun was shining brightly, it's rays warm and welcome. The air was light and cool. There were people in sight, and they all seemed to be enjoying the weather more than anything.

Children ran from place to place, playing around. Suddenly the weather changed and the sky was black, something I had never seen before. The people that were once enjoying the weather began running away because a thunderstorm was approaching.

But even with the unexpected change in the weather, I felt warm and relaxed, the same way I felt with the initial weather.

I wasn't running or feeling the need to run from the storm. Since I felt good either way, I was ready to embrace the storm and be at peace with it.

I woke up disoriented, not understanding what the dream I just had was. It seemed deep, but I didn't understand what it meant

It was 2am and I was in a daze, still thinking about the dream I had. Did it represent something or was it just my imagination? Well whatever, either way, it doesn't matter.

*Ring ring ring*

My phone sounded and vibrated on the dresser. "Bebe" flashed on the screen.

I reached out and stared at the screen for some seconds before answering.

"Hello" a lady's voice sounded, sweet and gentle was its description.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"H-h-h-he did it again", her voice was a whisper.

"I'm on my way" I replied with utmost seriousness, sleep completely gone from my eyes.

I hung up and called Kai. "Yes sir" he answered.

"Get the jet ready, I want to use it in four hours", I said.

"Of course sir, any problem?" He asked.

"Bebe's husband" was all I needed to say for him to fully understand what I meant .

"I'll get to work sir", he answered and I cut the call.

Bebe, my cousin has been married to a worthless piece of shit for three years now. Everything was seemingly rosy and perfect for the first few months until he showed who he really was.

Things never remained the same after.

I showered, put on a casual outfit and packed a few outfits for my stay there.

By 5:30am, Kai and I headed out to the airport with another of my bodyguards, who would return the car.

The jet was fueled and ready to fly.

The pilot was seated and ready, and soon we were in the air.

We arrived thirty minutes later at the airport in Kimani state.

Reservations for the hotel were already made, so our luggage was taken there immediately, as I and Kai headed to Bebe's house.

Kai drove fast, but not enough to alert the people around.

On arriving, the electronic gate, designed to accept only passcodes opened once the code was punched in.

The house was a modern-day mansion, to show off. The idea behind it was smart and eco-friendly, welcoming too.

We walked in quickly and found Bebe sitting on the sofa. Her hair covered her face and she wore a face mask too with dark shades.

I pulled off the dark shades and what I saw made my anger level shoot up from seventy five percent to two hundred and fifty percent.

A large purple colour dominated most of her left eye and the right eye was red and swollen obviously from crying a lot.

"Where is he?" I asked cutting straight to the chase.

"W-work" was all she said.

I walked away from her, took out my phone, dialed his number and put it on speaker.

"Hello brother-in-law" he sounded cheerful, as if nothing happened.

"I'm at your house. Come back now!" I roared.

"But I'm in an important meeting now" he said obviously not happy.

"Come back in 10 minutes or I make your company go bankrupt" I said then cut the call.

I walked back to Bebe and embraced her. She never called until things escalated. I wonder what he did this time, didn't matter though because their marriage was over.


"Hm?" She replied sobbing.

"You're coming back with me and I won't take no for an answer" I said firmly.

And for the first time ever, she nodded in agreement without disagreeing, pleading or refuting. I was a bit taken aback considering that she never agreed to this for three years, but was suddenly fine with it.


A car pulled up in the driveway and Ethan Gomez walked quickly into the house.

"Hello brother-in-law" he said swallowing, understanding that I wasn't here for jokes.

"What did you do to her this time?" I asked calmly.

"I didn't do anything" he answered, lying blatantly to my face.

"If you lie one more time, I don't think you'll make it out of this room in one piece" I said in a deathly calm voice.

"I-i... I'm sorry. It was an accident. I didn't mean to hit her. I was drunk and not in my right mind" he finally spoke after a long silence.

"This isn't the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth time you're doing this. She's coming back with me" I said signaling the butler to take her luggage to the car.

"What? Please no. I love my wife" he begged fakely.

I didn't respond because there was no need to. Once the butler was done, I walked up to him and punched the living daylights out of him. He immediately spat blood. "You don't mess with my family and go unscathed. You'll pay dearly Ethan... I'll send the divorce papers tomorrow, sign them and give them to the person I send" I said.

"What if I don't sign it" he asked carefully.

"You have no option but to sign them" I said with a chilling smile.

"We'll be going now" Kai said.

"Wait baby, I love you so much, don't leave me, I'm nothing without you. I'll die if you're not with me. Life is meaningless when you're not around. Please forgive me and stay here" he begged Bebe, reaching out to hold her.

She shook her head multiple times. Warm tears rolling down her cheeks,"you're a monster. Never again" was all she said and she followed Kai to the car.

I walked to the door before turning around to say, "oh, and you WILL feel the difference".

We left his house speedily through the gate.

We drove to the hotel and decided to rest, not talking about the situation or any other thing. Bebe needed to rest, the eyebags beneath her eyes said a lot about her sleeping schedule.