Good morning, sunshine

I woke up the next morning, settled and calm. After showering, I decided to check up on Bebe and eat breakfast with her.

I locked my hotel room and went to hers, just beside mine.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. The lock clicked and her small head popped out. Her eyes looked red and puffy. She opened the door wider to let me in.

"Good morning" I greeted.

"Good morning", her voice was small when she shut the door.

"How're you feeling?" I asked, concern in my tone.

"........." She sighed

"I'm alright. Happy to be out of that man's house, but..." She trailed.

"But what?" I asked.

"He's a really good man. He just has temper problems", she tried to defend him.

"Temper problems? Oh, and drinking problems, mental problems, and lack of common sense. Do you want to go back to that fool?" I continued.

"No! I'm just..... It's nothing" she said sighing.

"Good, let's go and get breakfast" I said trying to sound kinder, which most likey failed.

"Okay" she said smiling adorably.

We went to the breakfast bar on the first floor using the elevator... It wasn't the fastest, but it felt safe. Bebe was wearing a face mask to cover her face, as she didn't want people to stare at her.

I watched her adjust and readjust the mask every ten seconds making my anger towards her excuse of an ex-husband grow. She was a delicate beauty, and he made her too self conscious and unsettled most of the time. Unknown to me, my knuckles had turned white from how hard I had squeezed my fist.

Bebe noticed my hand and spoke, "you don't have to get angry because of him anymore, you'll scare people around with that look of murder in your eyes".

I released my fist and took a deep breath. She was right, his chapter was done. Plus if he ever came back, I'll make sure he's done, permanently.

On the first floor, the breakfastry looked very much attractive. The meal options were simple and common, waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, hot chocolate beverage, coffee, cake, pie, and so on.

Even though the food was common and nothing special, the place was packed.

Some customers were struggling to find seats, elbowing and shoving others.

After seeing the struggle, I wanted to find another breakfastry where we could eat, as this one was the survival of the strongest.

"Hey", Bebe called out to someone I couldn't see, I turned and saw that it was Kai, sitting comfortably at a table. He waved and Bebe literally ran to where he was.

I followed behind her, still observing the environment.

"When did you even get here?" She asked Kai.

"Thirty minutes ago", he replied. "Good morning", he greeted us both.

"Morning", we replied at the exact same time, making Bebe laugh cutely.

We were settled and ready to order after a few minutes later.

"What would you like to order?" A female voice sounded beside me.

Bebe took off her face mask and started, "I would like a cup of orange juice, pancakes, waffles and fried eggs and bacon".

The lady scribbled on a little notepad and nodded, "how about you?"

"Black coffee, I'll pour the milk in myself and Muffins" I replied without looking at her. She scribbled some more before asking Kai the same question she asked me.

"Cappuccino and cupcakes", came his reply.

She scribbled some more, but didn't leave. She just stood there looking. I turned to ask her why she was still there, just to catch her staring at me intently.

"What is it?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Oh no, nothing. I'll go get your food now", she said and hurriedly left.

Bebe bursted into laughter.

"Why?" I asked, purposely not completing my question as she was used to my way of speaking.

"You probably scared her with your devil-looking face", she laughed some more.

"You mean devilishly handsome face" I added with a grin, and she laughed harder.

"Once a narcissist, always a narcissist" Kai muttered.

Kai was the only person I trusted a hundred percent on this earth. We had been friends every since elementary school. His father worked for my father, so we became friends. We played together, studied together, and did so much more together, we were like brothers from that point onwards.

From middle school, Kai swore to always be my right hand man, reasons best known to him. He held the second largest shares in my company, but no one knew that.

Despite how quiet he acted and looked, he was very cunning and intelligent. Getting on his bad side was one of the worst things to ever do in this life because he never forgives and forgets.

Kai had always been hardcore throughout our childhood, but he began to soften up, all thanks to one person, Bebe.

It was so obvious that Kai had a crush on her, but was too into his role of being a hardcore guy to actually tell her.

I would not interfere in their matters or help out, no matter what, learned that the annoying way.

When Bebe got married, Kai was devastated. He tried to act like he didn't care, but everyone could see that he did, a lot! He had always kept an eye on Ethan Gomez because he never really trusted him, even for a second. And Kai's instincts were right from the get-go. Ethan was an animal, a disgusting one.

His marriage with Bebe was supposed to end after a year of their wedding, but Bebe said she forgave him and wanted to make things work, over and over again, until this time, his actions were the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The divorce papers should be fully signed, so Bebe can get away from him fully. I've seen Kai's expression and how angry he was, and he's most definitely not going to forgive Ethan, ever.

The waitress returned with another waitress, both holding our orders. They served us and lingered around, again.

"What is it?" I asked looking at them.

"N-nothing" they said and ran away like highschool girls.

Bebe covered her mouth with her palm, but you could tell from her pretty amber eyes curving in crescents and puffed up cheekbones, that she was smiling. "They like you" she said

"Tell me something I don't know" I replied.

"Oh wow did you get even more narcissistic?" She laughed out loud like someone without problems.

You don't have worries anymore, Bebe. And I'll make sure to keep it that way, I thought.

I smiled and took a bite from my muffin.

We ate heartily and talked for a while, enjoying our time together, before Kai's phone rang. He answered it, pursed his lips for a while, said okay and hung up.

"The company manager made a huge discovery that needs your attention urgently." He said to me.

I nodded, I'll go back this evening then."

"I'll come too", Bebe said. "Same here" Kai added.

We were going back today, I was tired of this town already. But only after we collect the signed divorce papers. I don't mind hurting Ethan badly to get the papers signed. Bebe is my cousin, and I protect my own.