She's a prey in the predator's den

"So help me, would you?" Jaeyoon urged again.

"Help you do what?" Her voice was solemn

"I just need to get her alone, and she wouldn't go home with me" he replied

"You want me to convince her to go with you? She won't be okay with it " Judith hated being on babysitting duty.

"Of course..... I want you to come along as well. I'll drop you off first" He had a simple fix.

"Oh" was all she could say....her mind kept going back to what he said earlier.

Her face was contoured with hurt and then rested on anger.

She knew Milan was sharp and could probably already tell what others thought.

That bitch set me up to look dumb huh.... She thought

"Oh? Are you in?" He asked.

"Yes... I am" she had made up her mind. She would make Milan pay.

Unknown to her, Jaeyoon's plan was one that wouldn't exactly sit right with what little conscience she had left, if she had any left.


Milan noticed Felix and the lady beside him, Sofeya.

From their demeanor, it seemed they were in a relationship.

My my..... What scum he was.

Having a girlfriend, and getting a different date then hitting on your dates friend.

Only God knew how many more ladies at the party had been involved with him.

He truly was the epitome of trash.

Milan clicked her tongue and shook her head.

*Bzzzt bzzzt*

A phone vibrated, and Milan's palm vibrated uniformly as well.

It was hers.

"My Judy" flashed on the screen and she lifted her eyebrow in confusion.

Excusing herself from the group, she stepped away to answer the call.

"Hey what's up" she said.

"Milly, you saw the fool right?"

"Yeahhhh..... Don't mind that idiot. A better one will come"

"Mhmmm..... Let's go home together after this"

"I'd like that too, see you when the party's over"

Judith ended the call.

Judith failed to mention that they would be going with Jaeyoon but oh well... Milan would find out later.

Milan returned to the group and they kept talking.

While Felix caressed his girlfriend shamelessly.

If he was loyal, it would've been fine.

But the man just wasn't it....

Olive skin and blue eyes weren't a free pass to act like shit, Milan thought.


The party was finally over and everyone and their drivers were leaving the premises.

Milan scanned the crown for Judith until her eyes landed on the red dress she wore.

"Let's go" she said.

"About that..... we're going with Jaeyoon" Judith spoke

"What?? Why?!" Milan wasn't comfortable with that arrangement at all.

"The driver called, he had a flat tire on a lonely road, so he had to leave the car. He'd go back tomorrow to get it" Judy explained.

That was a good enough reason but Milan was not happy about riding with Jaeyoon of all people.

He wasn't that far from her age, but he acted like a predator.

She didn't like feeling like a prey, so she steered clear of him.

And now the "prey" would be in the predator's den.

"I'm here, you'll be fine" was all Judith could say. She didn't even care to be honest.

She just wanted to see how devastated Milan would be by Tomorrow.

She craved the satisfaction that would come with it.


In the car...

Jaeyoon played some soothing music. It was hard to believe that his taste in music was this calm.

Judith was excited while Milan sat there, looking like she was ready to open the door and jump out at any point.

She was engrossed in her thoughts of how to escape, so she didn't notice that Jaeyoon was driving in the opposite direction from where she lived.

"I'll drop you off first" he said to Judith and she nodded.

Milan's eyes widened.

"Just drop me first" she spoke

"But we're almost at Judith's place", he replied, ignoring her request.

In no time, the car stopped in front of Judith's family Mansion.

She got off after saying bye and the car engine was turned on almost immediately.

Milan's POV

He drove in silence, but my system wasn't ready to relax anytime soon.

The air was getting heavy and I began to sweat profusely.

The temperature was high And I didn't understand why.

It seemed the heat was getting to him as well since he cursed under his breath.

His fingers reached out to some buttons as he pressed on them.

Cool air from the vents blew and I sighed.

You never miss the cool air unless you're hot.

My body relaxed, finally.

It felt really good to kick back and not worry. Not worry?

Wait what?

Why was my body relaxing all of a sudden?

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

My head felt light and my eyes were drowsy.

What was happening? Why was I unable to move??

My eyes kept closing until all I saw was black.


I opened my eyes slowly....

It was pitch black. I couldn't see anyone or anything.

I tried to speak, but no words came out.

I was breathless and weak for some reason.

I tried to remember what had happened.

I was in the car with Jaeyoon.

He turned on the AC and everything went blank.

Was it the gas??? My eyes widened in realization.

I heard the sound of a metal door opening, it's annoying sound tingling my ears.

"J-j-jae.....Yoon" I called out in a week tone

"Nope" I heard the person reply.

"I'm not Jaeyoon" the male voice continued.

I was seated on a chair facing the direction of the sound of his voice.

"W-w-who are y-you" the question took a lot for me to ask.


There was no response.

"Don't worry, you don't know me" he said finally.

"Let's just say I'm an admirer" he concluded.

"Admirers aren't this c-crazy" my strength was still not back, but communication was getting better.

"I know, but you won't accept me as anything else....." He chuckled.