Brother Ezekiel

The dark storm clouds of snow swarm the top of the cathedral. The boys stand at the bottom of the building, once again frozen in awe and horror as they watch the building. The pit in Ash’s stomach once again appears as they get ever so closer to the large doors of the church.

Get in, get out. Ash thinks to himself. He notices Owen’s nervousness but pushes it aside. He’s nervous too, but he can’t afford to think about that right now. Since leaving the house, his mind has been racing with thoughts of his past, and being at this church doesn't help.

As Ash pulls the large doors to the building open, he notices a group of about sixteen people sitting at the front of the church. They all look up to meet Ash’s eyes. Their looks pierce through the short boy as he walks to the front of the church; the only warm expression given is from an older man sitting at the head of the circle. He stands to greet the boy.