Flowers and Grief

Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. Ash breathes heavily as he runs through the street. His heart pounds in his chest as he crosses the empty road, back toward the safety of Owen’s home. He slows to a stop as he enters the house. It was still early in the morning, so no one was awake yet.

As Ash sneaks into Owen’s room, careful not to wake up his parents and sister, he sees Owen sitting in the bed. The taller boy looks a little confused as he sees Ash coming into the room, covered in sweat and panting. Ash goes to the dresser and pulls out some clothes that Zoe got him while waiting for the boys to get done at the church.

“Where were you?” Owen yawns and rubs his eyes. “You were gone when I woke up.”

“I went for a run. Were you worried about me?” Ash smirks and teases Owen.

“I mean…” Owen goes to answer but pauses. “You’re teasing me.”

“What?” Ash laughs and responds with a sarcastic tone. “No way. Me? Never.”