45. Our Queen


I was currently in my bedroom, seated in the corner of the room, glaring menacingly at the bed. That bed held a lot of memories of Anastasia but I was too caught up in my own anger to enjoy her lingering scent.

Last night was a tough night, to be quite honest. Ronaldo, Lorenzo and I had deployed our task teams before we went to go ambush all the Russian hideouts. My men came out injured, no one died, because I only took the best and only a few of the members.

I only tasked the generals on the mission being Gio, Alberto, Matteo, Valentino, Weston, and the three of us.

Alberto and Weston walked out with busted lips and Valentino with a blue eye.

Alex was tasked to take care of my little princess while I went to cause destruction.

Luckily, after a lot of torturing that involved gouged eyes and skinning off their hands, we were given the location.