Chapter 65; I also think it's not normal

She plopped down on the couch and switched the television on as she began watching. There was nothing that she could do...

_ _ _ _ _

Ye Mei freshened up and wore Mu Zhen's shirt, she hadn't bought any clothes, so this would do for the time being, she just liked it.

She skipped around merrily and returned to the main mansion, she took the elevator up to the top floor and walked into the study room.

Mu Zhen was busy working while the Old man was busy making phone calls.

Mu Zhen lifted his bowed head and gazed at her, he frowned lightly, there seemed to be something different about her, even her eyes were a bit strange.

"What's the matter? Don't you want me to wear your shirts?" she innocently inquired trying to pull him out of his reference seeing his creased face.

"Not really.." he shook his head as he bowed it back to reading the projects.

"Hey gramps, can I ask you an intimate question, I hope you don't feel offended.." she gazed at him nervously.