Chapter 66; There is no food in this house...

" I also think it's not normal.. " he lightly mumbled.

" Wei Tang, once we are back from Macau, we will sit down and look into the top families in the Community, we have to start from somewhere.." she had just mumbled when Mu Zhen walked in.

"Community? What has it done?" he inquired curiously as he walked over, he didn't like the idea of these two coped up in the room secretly, it was like they were plotting something.

Ye Mei gazed at him surprised and her back stiffened, using her left index finger she pointed toward the door, as she tried to find the right words.

" The door? I know the passcode, don't change the topic... What were you talking about locked up in here? What is it that I'm not supposed to know?" his voice turned cold and frosty.

"Ooh, we were talking about plans after exiting the Community, I have found a better place to train our own soldiers.." she didn't need to hide this from him, she just needed to filter.