Chapter 128; Was he being selfish?

She picked him up and strode to the door, "Bai Hua, we have to go... He still needs to get checked up in a hospital." Her eyes teared as she strode away in big steps.

Bai Hua hurriedly tagged behind her with their things leaving Mu Zhen who was surprised, now he understood to what length she cared about Wei Tang.

Was he being selfish? He just felt it was too competitive and maybe he didn't want such an aggressive partner for life, but deep down he knew, he cared.

Ye Mei got down to the parking lot and strode over to where there were several taxis parked, she chose a Tesla and automatically paid, it was a faster and safer one.

"Bai Hua, get rid of the CCTV footage of your images and also you leave the airport with your original identities... I will take cover..." She got into the other car they had driven over to Venetian Hotel and drove it out before the Tesla went behind her.