Chapter 129; We will talk later....

They also couldn't go down like that unless they had a map and they could be able to trace her back if not, everything would be futile.

Ye Mei didn't fall to the bottom rock completely, when she heard the chopper hovering away, she held onto a tree branch and began climbing up faster.

It took her twenty minutes to get up from that cliff, any normal human couldn't survive that fall and that's why she had let go because she knew, Mu Zhen could act out of emotions. It was better getting hurt by herself as she could rescue herself than being two people.

Getting up onto the road, the trucks didn't crash but they were still facing each other with a distance in between. They seemed to have been abandoned.

She ran to the highway after getting rid of the fake body parts and stopped a taxi.

It took her back to Venetian Hotel where she knew Mu Zhen would be, after a thorough screening, she was allowed to pass through.