Chapter 182; Sis, you scared them off...

"Okay.." They arrived and gazed at the remaining people.

"All right, you all can start... Time has begun..." Wei Tang notified them as they stood aside to watch.

They got into the running track and began running, others ran faster and others took it slow.

" Ye Mei, I didn't expect to see you here..." A manly voice could be heard echoing from their behind.

They turned around and gazed to their backs only to see Wang Liang, Wang Kang, and Su Xuan moving in their direction accompanied by other young girls and boys.

"You didn't need to escort them personally..." She softly remarked gazing at the young girls and boys, they were almost thirty in total, and it could be said, they came from the five households.

"We just wanted to see how it's going..." They got closer and shook hands before gazing at the young boys and girls who were running around the field tracks.