Chapter 183; You all will pay one by one...

"All right, let's go then.." he placed his arm around her shoulders and strode down to the dungeons.

"I haven't seen Bai Hua, Bai Zhou Yun, and Wei Zhi Shi..." Since Zhi Shi requested her to join the military training, he didn't see him among the crowd.

" Bai Hua is lazing in the house with his laptop, Bai Zhou Yun and Wei Zhi Shi just began training, you know how their health is, they need to take it step by step... " Like Bai Zhou Yun hadn't recovered, his body was frail, so he needed time to get back to healthy.

" Yeah, it's understandable... "They went down to the dungeons.

" But sis, what are we doing down here?" he inquired curiously as they strode through the hallway and got to the end of it.

Wei Tang could see the same boy he had seen in the CCTV cameras bundled up in a corner.

"You brought her over?" Wei Tang was surprised, she unlocked the dungeon and strode in.

She gave her several slaps waking her up from consciousness...