Chapter 239; It isn't that serious, don't over think it....

" Bai Hua, can you trace her? " he was worried and whatever his sisters were speaking about didn't ring in his mind, he was worried about her.

"It's not possible, if she had any trackable device in her hands, I would be able to track her down..." He just couldn't sit down and stop worrying, there are times he felt only Wei Tang or Mu Zhen could solve this issue.

"Ohhh..." Old Master Mu hummed softly as the atmosphere became tense, Bai Hua didn't like those two women, their attitude toward Ye Mei was terrible and they looked down upon her.

_ _ _ _ _ _

A few minutes later, Wei Tang was the first one to arrive at the airport since it was close by, he immediately went to the reception counter and inquired if there was any immediate flight to States and luckily there was one with an available seat in the business class.

He was booking when Mu Zhen walked in with his guards, "Is there an immediate flight?" he walked over to the counter eying Wei Tang.