Chapter 240; I got you baby....

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"Mother, let's go back home..." Ye Yan was already exhausted all over and his hands ached all over.

"Okay, let's store these files in the drawers before we could leave..." They began piling the files into the drawers before closing the office.

They went down to the parking lot and boarded their family car as it drove back to the Ye mansion.

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It was morning and Wei Zhi Shi woke up, his brother didn't tell him where he was going, so he was worried and he hadn't communicated.

Bai Zhou Yun woke up and found Wei Zhi Shi zoned out in the kitchen.

"Good morning..." he greeted him as he ruffled his curled hair.

"Good morning..." he softly mumbled and wasn't that jovial, he was still in his black pajamas.

"What's the matter?" he inquired while preparing some coffee.