Chapter 263; How about we adopt one?

"Yeah, let me stand in front of the CCTV camera around here at the entrance.." he took several steps and stood in front of the CCTV camera and Bai Hua immediately got the image pining it down to the system, to identify himself as.

"Okay, got the image... You will go by the name James Hordes..." he spoke out the name, this was a known famous doctor but in the real sense, he never existed, he was rumored several years ago.

"Good, anything else?" he inquired walking into the hospital building.

"Nothing at the moment, just be careful..." he mumbled getting over to the reception counter.

"Sure..." he mumbled as he stood there confidently.

"Hello miss, I'm Doctor James Hordes and was requested to see a patient in room 306..." he had also changed his voice losing his Chinese accent.

"James Hordes..." she exclaimed loudly surprised, they have been trying to locate the said doctor to no avail.