Chapter 264; Can't I accompany you?

"It's okay, we don't need to have them anymore..." She coarsely mumbled without loosening her grip, since she couldn't have her own birthed babies, then she can forget about having any kid in the Mu mansion.

"Ye Mei..." he turned around and hugged her tightly calming his heart down, they had a long future, once he knows his genes were safe to be transferred to a baby without risking her life, then they can try having a baby.

"It's okay, I will go and take a shower now..." she loosened and dashed over to the bathroom and left Mu Shen's hands wide open. He left empty, he returned his hands and pocketed them.

He lightly sighed, he could see how this was affecting her. What was even more troubling, he didn't know why she wanted to have kids, or what was she trying to fulfill.

He settled down on the bed eying the bathroom door that was closed but the water hadn't yet begun running after some minutes of being in there.