Chapter 267; You stupid girl!

"Yeah, tell him that Ye Mei isn't well, and he should hurry up and get back..." he politely mumbled knowing he had ways of communicating with him.

"She isn't feeling well? What happened to her?" Bai Hua queried in worry as he gazed at Mu Zhen.

"She is having flu, fever... Something like that..." he eyed him before standing up.

"Okay, I will tell him.." he politely hummed as Mu Zhen walked out closing the door behind him.

"Wei Tang, your sister isn't feeling well..." he immediately notified him after seeing Mu Zhen had left.

"Isn't feeling well? Wasn't she fine when I left? What did he do now this time?" Wei Tang frowned while tracing his sister with his blood and found her on the playing ground.

"He said it's flu..." Bai Hua innocently responded while Wei Tang wondered what she was doing at the playing ground, it was meant for kids to play there accompanied by their families.