Chapter 268; Mei Mei, what's the matter?

"Who do you think you are to interfere in our affairs? I'm disciplining my daughter.." the woman who was being strangled retorted back and Ye Mei used her powers smacking her with that red iron rod.

She tightened her grip and thus the woman was unable to scream out from that pain, Ye Mei again pierced her with the cold iced arrows into her body.

"Where is your home?" Ye Mei's eyes sparkled dangerously and the woman submitted showing her the direction to her home. She could no longer withstand the pain.

She dragged her a few turns around the corners while the people along the streets scurried away, it was simple changing her looks but it wasn't easy when it came to her eyes, her aura was intimidating.

They arrived at the house and found the man sitting on the couch leisurely watching while eating some nuts, "You, did you defi*le her? " She coldly queried and the man gazed at her haughtily while she tossed the woman down onto the floor.