20 >< This felt right.


"Will you stop that?" Simone said, for the tenth time in a half hour drive.

We were heading to the airport to pick my mom up. She'd just got here from either Cuba or Costa Rica so I had to go get her. I was inexplicably jittery with nerves and I had been tapping my foot and ceaselessly.

Simone talked me back to sanity and five minutes later I would get right back to it. That or bouncing my knee.

"She's your mother Levi," Simone reasoned with me. "why are you so afraid?"

"Its BECAUSE she's my mother." I explained.

I really wanted mom and Simone and her sisters to get along. I had told both parties alot about each other, but I still really hoped they would get along really well.

Having an assassin family had a lot of it's disadvantages and I tended to rarely introduce new people to my family, so I really hoped this one would go great.

"Oh ok, valid point." she said, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes.