21>< Where is she?


We got home, then everyone began to wake up. Raven got Coco and took her off to bed. Mica and mom went on together, both of them too sleepy to help out with anyone, then Simone carried Lila in as I went to park the car.

I got in the house then went over to the kitchen to have some water. Simone walked in shortly after dressed in a huge sweatshirt and a pair of shorts ............ The sweatshirt belonging to me, that is. She still looked hot, even hotter now for some reason. I smiled at her.

"You looked pretty tonight." I said.

"Thanks," she said, smiling and taking a glass of water herself. "go get changed Levi. I'm off to bed. I just came for some water and to say goodnight."

"Night Simone."

"Get some sleep. No snoring."

I rolled my eyes but still went, stripping off my shirt and pants then settling for a pair of shorts. I got in my bed then promptly fell asleep.