27 >< Remember


"Levi!" Simone yelled

I froze, trying to believe I wasn't hallucinating. I turned around and she came dashing out of her room to catch up to me. She immediately threw her arms around me

"It's you" she said, sniffing "I'm sorry I didn't remember, I'm sorry I forgot about you. I don't ever want to do that ever again. It was horrible"

I wiped her tears away

"It's ok Simone" I said "let's get you back to bed"

I smiled as I put her back to sleep. She finally remembered. After two long months, she finally remembered me.

My heart broke when she woke up and looked at me but looked past me at the same time. I had called out to her but she didn't know who I was. The doctor said she'd been through a very traumatic experience ..... Which was true ..... And that she'd have trouble remembering alot of stuff. I was happy she'd finally remembered me.