28 >< Scratches and kicks


I was confused. A lot. Very confused actually. We got back from the hospital after three days and everything seemed to settle back in. Both my parents were home, the girls were having their semester finals, and Simone was back.

Her shoulder, quarter of her back, the main part of her upper arm and the base of her neck had to be taped up for a while. Her shoulder was pretty messed up, together with the muscles that held her back together so it would be a slow recovery.

As I was saying, I was very confused. And things seemed to settle back to normal. There was just one problem, Simone hated me with a passion. Literally. If I walked into a room, she walked out. If I ate at the table, she would eat in her room.

If I said anything, she would leave. If we met in any part of the house, she would turn around and go right back where she'd come from. And it was really frustrating. I didn't get it