29>< Panic attacks


I woke up staring Levi right in the face. His eyes were shut and his breath fanned over my forehead.

I'd had the worst nightmare of my entire life. I was back in the torture chamber and was tied up. Even worse, Levi, Lila, Coco, Raven and Mica were tied up right across from me, looking scared out of their minds.

The man and woman handlers popped up and began to beat my family up. I tried to get them to stop, but all I could do was watch.

They all screamed for me to help them, to save them, but I couldn't. I cut my wrists and legs trying to get free, but I really couldn't. I was chilled to the bone by the time I woke up, panting heavily and trying not to cry.

My first instinct was to move away from Levi, but that would wake him and I was not willing to deal with talking to him.

What was he doing in my bed? The first thing I noticed was that my bad arm hurt. Alot.